Sunday, June 29, 2008
i dunnoe what's the reason why you suddently ignore me, the last sms is that you want to leave me coz you ***** **** but i dont think it will happen bcoz its only **** ***** that jianing told jianing asked me how me and you, my mood straight away drop till very jialat..i know that we drifted apart is coz i don't have the time for you, i know that it's all my fault, iem useless, i cant manage my mood, i miss the you when you will hold my hand and play with, whenever i walk pass the block that we had ***** , i'll be very sad..i really miss that time alot..i hope that you will be with me again..but i know that you wont be..i said that iem fine with that you ignoring me, but, i cant do that, i really cannot..maybe i should wait, maybe i should just give up, see how it goes..but more of the chances that i would just wait work at most emo work ytd, my runner, suddently say, eh, your boyfriend, then i turned around, hoping to see you, in the end is just that my runner play a prank on me, and i told myself, you are already not my bf, and if anyone else says anything like that tell them that i have no bf..and i emo like shit there, whatever the customer say, is all very blur, then my runner is high, my runner go press the serve alot of time, i gort fustrated, and almost scolded my runner..futhermore, coz i stand very long, my leg is very's another cause of my fustration..and i was extended 45 minutes..
i should give up,
issin't it??
i dunnoe whether i can do it..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 2:52 PM
it's one week since the school had started,for the first week of school, i had been thinking of work,and i had missed workand the people,in the holiday, i'll work three days,and can see people like hoo giek, angel and yuh min[and others] more..iem so sad that i could only see them once a week..iem so happy at work..but i had to go schoolas for mavis, although she had work more days[?]but always is quite late, except for one day..i enjoy her company,but..only one day that she has been with me for more than 2 hours,the others, only for 2 hours,futhermore, different stations, i cannt see her..should meet mavis and angel on friday[27.06.08], and on friday morning, i dunnoe why i gort a feeling that,iem could not meet them and indeed,i did make it to meet them,which made me very sad,coz the last time, that me, mavis go together is only for awhile,and is also woth some guys..the last time me, mavis and angel, us three girls meet only,was very long ago..girls, i felt that w had drifted apart..i hope that we could be [together] again..because you both are important to me[!]samuel kor, you dont be too sad alright..i know that you are not in good moods always,and you wanted to quit..i thought of quiting with you, coz i also thinking of quiting[?]and i've told you about that, but you said that even if youwant to quit, you will quit with another personwhich you did not tell me..i gort a sharp pain after you sent me that sms..but nevermind, shi zhong, ni zhi shi wo de gan ge ge ba..but i always have been treating you as a real brother of mine..peini jie,we had wanted to meet in the holidays,but we had not meet..because we did not have the time[?]i miss you time, you gort time,ask me out,i'll see whether i gort the time..on thursday, [26.06.08]we had an art festival rehearsal, when on the stage, looking at ms chan,i suddently thought of ms lee,and the date, 26,where last year, 26/04is when ms lee left for europe,and before, she told me that she'll be back in july,but had cancelled it..arhx..thought of her now made me wanna cry..futhermore, she had not reply my email to lee,imissyou, i dunnoe why, you had been away for so long,yet the pain that you are away is still here,in my heart,although many things also made my heart hurts,but the fact that you are away,and that i might not see you again,make my heart hurt more.. ❤ Perché ti amo così ? 2:05 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
i asume that you are doing a silent break??
iem fine with it if you just say break to me..
don't make me so sad alright..
wann break then say break..
don't wann say dunwan say..
from now on,
you are you , me is me..
i don't care your business,
you don't care mine..
that's it.Labels: iem fine with it..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:53 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008

ytd when go to work..
joseph let me go to the chaser for side 1..
then everything is the other way round from side 2..
the first few times i put the lettuce on the hill..
which is the wrong side (.")!
then there very very busy siol..
then after that..
i run side 2 assembler for awhile..
then back to side 1 be chaser..
after awhile..
i take over hoo giek be chaisher..
she go home..
then i till 6 like that i go for break..
when go back..
i do side 1 chaser again..
then joseph keep saying me slow -_-
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:04 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
later going work at two, hope to be in the kitchen,
i wann do initiator, it's fun..
ytd went to the bbq after going to tution,
when reach there, dunnoe why,
jina say what four person angry..
dunnoe what happen, so din do what..
then yunxin came, she wear very pretty,
coz before bbq, she have party..
then we start the bbq..
after awhile, the drinks that we had, finished..
me and yunxin went walking around looking for drinks,
holding yongsong derhx ten dollars..
coz he wann buy 1.5L green tea,
then all only gort 1.5L mineral water,
one shop, just finish selling 1.5L green tea..
then called yongsong, he din pick up,
so called jialing to hand phone to yongsong..
then he say buy mineral water..
then when we walk to a shop go there gort sell mineral water 1.5L
when we reaching, jina call us not to buy,
then we go the bicycle shop go rent one double bicycle..
jina and cynthia rented one,
me and yunxin din rent..
then after that cynthia get down say walk with me,
jina and yunxin took the bicycle..
then they cycle very fast..
cynthia and me both dunnoe how to go there..
then they cycle so fast..
after that we waited at the area one toilet area for them,
as what jina said..
then after awhile, jina called,
ask us walk abit towards them coz plastic bag broke,
then we help carry..
then coz very far from area three..
jina cycle each of us three and we hold the water..
through and fro area three..
after awhile, i saw that the time is 6.45..
then i smsed edmund ask him..
where is he lurhx..
if he reach, i go find him..
but he replied a 'not coming le'
then i felt like..
what? why does he always back out in the end..
then i angry bit..
i cycle with cynthia at the park..
i cycled fast coz i in not good mood,
we planned to cycle to area two and cycle back,
but i hurt my knee,
then bleed so i went back to pit..
then after awhile,some others came..
all of us went to the seaside..
then started playing..
some walking...
then some in water..
then said splash water up,
alot of water..
then me and susan very wet..
then the girls planned to pull him in the water..
then all started to pull him..
when he's in the water, but till his knee..
us girls don't want get wet,
so we asked yong song to help us..
coz he's already fully wet..
then after the sky get dark,
we went to the pit..
then i sit at the chair..
began to emo again..
then some ppl sweet*..
offered it to me..
coz is next chill..
i almost taken it..
but i din..
coz i dunnoe how to light..
and scared ppl laugh when i sweet*
coz remembered mummy laugh and say sister sweet* very cute..
when sister hade her first..
and also, if i sweet*, it will be my first..
then i saw yunxin walking to the seaside,
i followed..
then saw that she crying..
then i sat beside her..
ryan came along and an wei her..
then i tot of me and edmund..
and why he din come..
and smsed him..
what is the reason that he din come..
but he din reply..
emo for awhile and yunxin is okay..
then hearing their conversation..
made me more sad and think more..
i almost cried..
but hold back my tears..
after that, dunnoe why ryan emo..
then christina came to us..
then yunxin ask her to make me and ryan smile..
after awhile, ryan okay lurhx..
then jina went away..back to the pit..
then yunxin ask ryan to make me smile..
so indeed, he made me smile..
then after that he ask me to walk..
as in go to the pit..
coz yunxin won't go unless i go..
then ryan pour sand on me..
so i go..
which is like so lame..
when we go home that time,
all high lurhx..
walking and singing..
then me, bobo, baoxuan and raimy..
the four of us took taxi home.
went to my house first,
then they three go home..
Labels: i think i should leave you..both of us are always unhappy together..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:55 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Your Heart is Feeling Broken |
Your heart is pretty much destroyed right now, and it's hard for you to think of anything else. You are in deep despair, and sometimes it feels like you will never love again. Your hear may be at its lowest point right now. Things can only get better from here.
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Being swept away by the wrong person
Your current outlook on love: You find yourself wondering if love is ever worth it
Your love life will improve if you: Take a lot of steps back. You're in no shape to fall in love right now.
Watch out for: Anyone who may try to take advantage of your fragile state. |
What Is Your Heart Feeling?
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:00 PM
You Inner Gender is Female |
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you. You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations. You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female. |
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:56 PM
What Heng Hui Ning Means |
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. |
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:22 PM
sorry for not posting..
iem rotting at home now..
and think about him..
thinking bout him made my tears drop..
was with jianing girlfriend just now..
choir ends on 11am on wed and thurs..
dunnoe whether should i request for work after choir on wed and thurs..
so that after choir, i wont be thinking too much..
or rather, wont think about him..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:28 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
posting for yesterday's crew outing..
went to mac there meet weijian and jacinta first,
but when i reach there, din see them, then sms erzi,
then he call me, telling me that they are at arcade with sam them
when go there, sam play the car derhx,
then all watch,
this had reminded me of last time,
me, mavis, sam, samuel and louis,
we play daytona that time, it was loads of fun.
then after sam play, we went to open plaza,
we walked one round then walk to toy'r'us
but with alot of stopings..
then after walking one round in toy'r'us
we walk out, stop at the escalator
againthen coz i gort sms angel, that time, she ask me go crew room liaox..
so i pangseh them to find angel..
then at bout two, i sms mavis ask her where she,
then she send back, you count to 30, can see me liao..
then i count lorhx, but din see her coz she at the manager room there,
but i near the crew room..lols
then all of us, kia boon, hwee boon, linli, linling,
yunxin, mavis, angel and me wait for cia pow
then we all go seoul garden tgt..we sit very funny,
angel sit beside hongzhi, then mavis sit beside sam.
then angel and mavis the other beside is empty space,
then me and crystal is like, ehx? like that where to sit??
coz me, mavis, angel ans crystal is want to sit tgt,
then like that, hongzhi became sit with angel and mavis,
then gort one empty space, but gort two ppl..
then i see, then think awhile, i walk to mavis there,
when i reach, then all laugh, then i saw crystal also walk there,
but is from the other side, i laugh also, then crystal walk to angel.
then boss tell us to get our food,
then sam and hongzhi get drinks for us,
sam din pass, he give the drink without ice.
hong zhi get the drink with ice of course.
then after that i ask hongzhi,
sit with all three gan-laopo good hor??
he say
then we barbeque the food,
we give him alot, he no need cook
and he cant cook, coz he put the food,
he din turn derhx, he just wait, then his food all stick.
then we cookfor him, so he take drink all those for us..
then after i go take ice kachang, then when i eat,
gort a weird taste..then i say gort weird taste,
then mavis say 'there i say lurhx'..
then me and mavis want to take ice cream,
boss ask us to sit and listen.....
they talk talk talk talk....
we listen listen listen listen....
then boring boring boring boring....
but boring for awhile larhx..
then welcome new crews then tell us new crew leaders,
angel, zhixian, kia boon, hwee boon and sam..
then lucky draws, angel pick the first name, my family,
crystal gort the first, then mavis, then me then samuel,
then hongzhi then angel..
it's like so wow, the whole family gotte lucky draw..
but sam shushu din get, but representative gort cann
after the event, we went to arcade and play,
me, mavis, samuel, cia pow and hongzhi got a two dollar card..
first, samuel and mavis play initial d,
then me and hongzhi play daytona,
then samuel and mavis play daytona,
then mavis and cia pow play daytona..
after that hongzhi go play the the idk the name game..
the game that is like must stack but don't drop derhx..
then he play quite alot..
then i went to mac to see the schedule,
samuel say he saw weimin,
then we went to him and talk bit,
then we went home..
hongzhi walk with me till the MRT track end then he talk bus no. 8 opp. church
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:46 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
went to the movie with my father and brother, watched NARNIA, very nice..i love it man..after the show, bought takopachi home..
went to metta school's charity walk cum carnival, my mum's store was selling hand-made dolls, cactus, shoes and bag. went there and have lunch.
work at 12pm, mummy came work at 4.30pm then she became my runner till me go home..joesph, when he going off work, he go say what he going watch kongfu panda to
then gort eurasian people come buy thing..then bought McWings, but McWings need to wait, so we asked the guy to sit first, then we sent it to him, then aison go sent McWings, thewn i saw i think three barhx..then he came back, ask this
what is this, what you writting?
coz it's not i write, i sw 'angmoh' i laugh
angmoh is what? he ask again
i laugh more..
then say angmoh is eurasian
lol the first time i see people wrote as angmoh to discribe an eurasian
was still sad bout ytd's stuff..
i work and then,
bee hoon auntie ask me edmund no longer work issit,
so i said yeah, he quit lurhx..
then someone tell me edmund was here..
i was like what, alright..
then when i break, weijian told me he still there..
i was like, okay..then i took doublecheese burger set meal
mavis was already eat lurhx..
sam just go and eat there..
then i know that his there..
i eat abit, then gort no appetite lurhx,
then i din eat anymore lurhx..
i went back to work
then at night, there was alot of people..
then i was extended one hour,
and coz i din eat breakfast that day, my break i only eat a little..
then i feel fainting..
then i ask to go home..
after that , i bought a small fries to eat..
then i go home..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:00 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
went to library to meet niki and juliana y.
we did maths NPPA..
wanted to take video..
but in the end we did not take..
all forgotten to
after we 'finish' the maths thingy
me and jy see niki off
when her mum came to pick her up
after that i company jy to Mac(my store)
weijian came to find me coz the time was 3.30
and he work at 4
at counter
saw edmund, then weijian came too
i was all cold, was thinking
who should i go to??
coz i meet erzi
then out of a sudden,
saw edmund
then i decided to stay with jy
after that,
edmund went towards the lift with two of his friends
i, jy and weijian then went to a table and sit,
it's the first table,
so it's near the 'door' at the left of the counter
we sat there for awhile, then jy keep turning to the tv!
then let them both know who is who, but!
jy stills turn to the tv!!
i cannot do anything though
then i sms-ed edmund,
asked him is he still angry with me
then he replied that he wanted to meet
i was like, alright, then asked jy
issit okay that i ask her to company me to find edmund
coz she asked me to company her till 4.30 and the time is still 3 plus
then i replied edmund saying okaus and where
then after awhile,
i saw edmund and his friends coming out of the lift there
walking towards us
then one of his friend, big size and look fierce,
walk first, then sort of slam the railing
then i was scare by him
alot of questions are running through me
why? what happen?
has he made a mistake about me and my erzi??
then i walk out with jy
coz i was scared, then walk to edmund
then i saw my erzi being 'shoo' out of his seat
then was like 'what the?!', but i was too scared to do anything
like asking why they do this to my son
so, me and edmund and jy walk up the escalator
coz i keep talking to jy,
edmund was sort of angry?
then he say he go down and find his friends
then i sms weijian ask him that did they say anything to him
coz he's my innocent erzi that was scared by them
then i wanted to sms angel, coz i know she's there
then she called me, i told her that i wanted to tell her something
then she ask me to find her in cs
so i went with jy
erzi called me when i was at the escalator at bout second floor
he told me that edmund told him that if he wants to woo me, go ahead'
i was so sad
then i went to the food court to meet sister,
jy does not wants to go in,
so she stands outside
i told sister eveything
and sister say is misunderstanding,
so we asked him meet at Mac
then we waited outside Mac
but we cannt see him for a long time
i called him, he din answer
i sms-ed him where is he
he replied 'where the fuck are you, which Mac are you talking about'
i was angry that he scolds me without making the place right
which Mac cann i be talking about??
of course the store that we are working in
then when he come
he gave me a face of'what you want'
i was already angry, so i sort of diao him and went to look for sister
so i asked him, did he say those words to my erzi, he said 'yeah'
and i explain to him that we are there coz he work at 4 and iem there
then after that i went home
i think for very long
what does he mean?
i sms him and askind him what does he mean
he replied with a nothing
so i said, what are you thinking when you said that
he replied saying that he said that for fun
i was thinking, say for fun? yeah, you are thinking that iem cheap
don't belive me at all, don't thrust my love for you
yeah, i love him, but as a mummy to a erzi only
idk, but you had hurt me really really deep
you say that you take ppl's word to your heart
i too, okaus?? i will derhx
just that it's hidden in deep deep part of my heart
tell you one thing, i won't be able to forget this, yeah, cannt forget
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:40 AM