my S H A T T E R E D dreams ]:

Sunday, September 5, 2010


What to post? I'm lazy to post bout birthday......

I forgot to do F&N..! Suppose to pass up to teacher on friday.. *dies*
No time now, shall do tmr.. hahaha.. X.

I'm pretty much crazy right now.. heeheeheeeheehee...
bye people :D


Miss Neo said I failed math..
It's p2 that pulled me down..
I know it's because I have not enough practices..
I so scared now.. I know I must start to sprint, sprint all the way to the end point..
But, what if I still fail?
I can't go anywhere without math.
I'm also afraid that I will fail English..
I had only passed mid-year because of luck I assume?
I had gotten high marks for oral then by a lenient teacher..
I passed the rest with borderline marks..
What if I fail English for prelim?
What if, I fail chem? That'll pull down the whole of sciences..
What if I fail SSG just like mid-year?
What if I only passed F&N with borderline marks?
That'll be the end of me I guess..
I'm scared, very scared..

❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:51 PM