Thursday, July 31, 2008
first day ite..
lucky din see him..
tomorrow, hope won't too..
really scared today, especially lunch,
when so many people are there..
enough of that..
today, first thing there,
presentation by the co-ordinator,Jane..
was okok..
then seprated into four groups,
black 1(1-9), black 2(10-17) ,yellow 3(18-26)[i think],then yellow 4(26-35)..
then we stand outside the school of, i think..
then wait for quite long, coz it's glass window,
then cann see inside..
niki and juliana y was scared by the fake bodies inside,
coz there is nursing derhx..
then i first station is at there,
we were surpose to act an accident,then help the victims to do first aid..
he din teach first aid, coz we all know..
was separated in three groups,
juliana j's group won the best acting of it..
then my group went to the retail one..
learn to put out all the clothes to the models,
then some learn massage for people hand..
i put the clothing on the models with syazwani..
we put a short blue skirt, with a female working shirt, long sleeves,
then outside a jeans jacket, then put the sleeves of the shirt into the
sleeves of the jacket..
we folded the sleeves if the jacket abit to show the sleeves inside..
then we put a pair of shoes at the bottom,
and a working female bag..
juliana j put a skirt, and a sleeveless shirt tucked in
and a cardigan sleeves folded at the neck there..
then me, natasha, sakina, juliana j and elaine act as the customer..
then we acted very bossy..haha..
it was very fun, out of all that i did today, i enjoy it the most..
then was lunch,
ate fish and chip at the cafetaria 1,
with niki and juliana y..
then walked around the campus( not far)
with kah hui, niki, juliana j and tin qin..
then we seat at the auditiorum(i dunnoe how spell)
we waited, then my class was toured around the campus with jane..
the nursing part, saw those fake patients, so scary,
look like someone dead lying there..
then was the core project,
i have to do the 'about us' part..
i went around taking photo, which the lady asked me to do..
was scolded by zhihao, asking me not to take..
but i was suppose to do so, so i scolded
then went around the other groups asking what they're doing,
as my class was separated into four groups doing different things..
scolded by zulfadli, ask me don't ask so much..
pathetic me right?? doing what i was suppose to do and was scolded??
lol..but something relived is that,
the other three groups had to present what they had done,
but my group does not need to..lucky right?? lols..
tomorrow doing low-element..
wonder if it's what we had done during our camps??
will update about tomorrow!!
now is 10.18pm..
going sleep soon..nitez peepz..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:47 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
today, when eating that time..told my parents about the 'experiencing ITE programme' then my mum says that it means that i go into this class means ITE, no poly, no lasalle..which made me already sad..then some dad says what..ask me after sec 5, go work sua..i dunnoe is i sensetive or what..i just feel so sad that i wanna cry!! haiis..i have to study..especially maths..i think, i need to take my sec1 and 2 textbook, and write out all the formulars that i've everything all over..criEs..
thursday and friday going ITE, kinda scared..coz maybe going see someone..told him, as in told him that my class going HIS school
me:i thursday and friday going your school do the experiencing ite programme, thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm, friday from 8.30am to 1.30pm..
him:oh ok. then like that can see you le Haha. Miss you sia..
*OMFG, iem so feeling eeee-ed*
me:*don't reply seem weird, reply, also dunnoe what to the end said this*
Ohh..i also dunnoe which side of your school i would go..yuor school so big..
him:Not big la.Just tell me where you are can le lor lol.
*oh my god!! shit!! i shouldn't had replied him!!*
me:*have to reply no matter what right?? or iem too stupid to reply??*
I dunnoe how to see where iem at
him:At most meet at the canteen there lor Haha. If not can meet at the posb atm there mah.
*shit!! oh my god!! oh my god!!*
me: huh?? Meet for??
* trying very hard to hint him i dunnwan to meet him*
him:just wann see you lor lol
*oh fuck!! oh shit!!oh my god!! he din get me!!*
me: Erhx..see first, coz i will go with my friend..and classmates..
*trying to reject as nice as possible..coz no matter what he's still my friend*
after that he din reply lurhx..which was a great relive..
to *him*: no offence..sorry,but this is just what i feel, iem really afraid of the point of thinking going to see you..
really hope that hongzhi's still in that school!! i really need him badly!! i rather see hongzhi that *him*..Ahhhh!! very stress!!!!my god..hope wont see him =x..kinda of weird feeling seeing him, maybe is coz his like me but i don't feel amything towards him?? might run away upon seeing him, or take cover from juliana Y.or kah hui =x haiyo..........................................
saw a very qian da t-shirt..
it says..
"nobody is perfect,
i'm nobody."
gort another quiz..lols..
1) Single, Taken, or Crushing?
-single; crushing..
2) Are you happy with where you are?
-not really..
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
-yea..and it's unbearable..
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
-nope..cheating is wrong, there's no cheating that's ok..
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
-depends on how much ilovehim..
7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?
-nope..iem too young to talk about that..
8) Do you want children?
-yea..i love kids..
9) How many?
10) Would you consider adoption?
-if iem impotent.. =x
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way to let you know?
-no,it will only made me be scared of seeing him..
12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?
-game?? what game??
14) Do you believe love at first sight exists?
-yea?? but iem not that kind..i go for charactor/personality, not looks(but it matters..DUH!!)..
15) Are you romantic?
-not sure..but i like it..
16) Do you believe that you can change someone?
-yes..i almost did..
17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object where would it be?
-australia..big big one..
18) Do you have feelings for someone right now?
19) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you couldn't?
-yea..right now..
20) Have you ever broken a heart?
-yea..i think..
21) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
-fight?? no, if that person really is in love with the girl, i would give my blessings to them..
22)What would you say about your last ex?
-he's very sweet..but, he hurt me alot..i wannt to use this post, to tell him..
thankyou for everything, i did enjoy the times that we're together(those times that we're not quarrelling), wish you all the best in the future..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:23 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008

for you..
edited at photobucket..finally know how to use it and post on blog!! heps..

not taken so good..only captured me at the corner..but it's a nice angle..

juliana yeong laugh at this alot!! =x

❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:40 PM
Tag 10 people to do this quiz ,If there is any quiz you dont like just change it(:REMEMBER if you are tagged to do this quiz you MUST do!
What is your dream when you were a small kid ?
-keep changing derhx..lols
List 3 types of people you hate most .
- betrayer, liar( those who lie and lie again), people saying bad things behind my back.
Do you have anything to be worried or scared recently ?
-yea..afraid that he might find out that i like him, and he avoiding me, portfolio, results..
What you hate people to say about you ?
-lotz and lotz of it..
If you have a wish come true , whad would it be ?
- to be 1.7m tall!!
When you meet someone who you like , would you profess of hide your feelings ?
-hide if i know that he does not like me..
What are you doing now ?
- blogging -_-!!
What do you think about yourself ?
-useless bum..
What are you afraid of losing ?
- many things..
When is the most recent time you felt touched ?
not tagging anyone to do..good right?? heps..
anyone wants to do..then do barhx..heps..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 7:55 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
nothing to post..and to keep my blog alive..i decided to copy jy.. =x
1. whats your name?
- gracelyn.
2. how old are you?
- 15.
3. do you have a crush on someone?
-um hmm.
4. who is he/she?
- hahas..secret.
5. do you think he/she loves you back?
-yes! as a friend -_-!!
6. did you confess to him/her?
7. why do you have a crush on him/her?
- cause i have a crush on him.
8. what song are you listening to now?
- only love ; trademark.
9. what are you wearing now?
-blue shirt, black shorts.
10. do you smoke?
- nope.
11. do you drink alcohol?
- nope.
12. what musical instrument do you play?
- does only know a few pieces count?? if yes, piano.
13. what are you doing right now other than doing this thing?
- photobucket, just found out how to edit pic using that.
14. who you wish to be right beside you now?
- him.
15. who do you often think of?
- him, results, portfolio.
16. whats you nickname?
-ning, but please don't call me that, coz the only ones that are allowed to call are my parents!!
17. which cartoon character do you like?
- baby pooh.
18. whats your favourite number?
- 9
19. whats your favourite colour?
- blue, red, black, white.
20. what is your favourite subject?
- maths.
21. who is your favourite teacher?
- Mdm Low!! heps..she's cute!!
22. do you loathe anyone right now?
- yea??
23. do you wish to be someone else?
24. how close are you with your family?
- so-so.
25. how many family members do you have?
- 5, including me.
26. do you want to stop the time?
- nope, but rewind the time.
27. do you want to go back to the past?
- yea!!
28. what magazine do you read?
- teenage.
29. what website do you go when you're gaming?
-hmm..don't usually go gaming..the last one i went to is y8.
30. do you like schooling?
31. do you like holiday?
- yea.
32. do you want to live in another country?
- yes!!
33. do you prefer candy or chocolate?
- chocolates..((:
34. what is your favourite pet?
35. do you prefer to love someone secretly or to confess?
-secretly. normally confess, he'll avoid. )):
36. are you hurt right now?
- yea.
37. are you angry at anyone?
- yea.
38. do you like your classmates?
- duh!!
39. where do you normally hang out?
- Tampines Mall
40. who do you normally hang out with?
- juliana yeong, hui chun.
41. who is closest to you in class?
- juliana yeong.
42. have you ever love/like someone in your class?
- yea, two years ago.
43. do you like nature?
- yes!!
44. do you like stars?
- yea.
45. when will you go to beach?
-when my parents brings me, BBQ party, or when iem really sad..
46. when was the last time you cried?
-1oth july.
47. do you miss anyone?
- duh!!
48. where do you want to be right now?
-somewhere filled with music.
49. whats your favourite drink?
- sprite.
50. when is your birthday?
- 05.09.1993
51. is there anyone whom you know has the same birthdate as you?
- jina, she 5th nov.
52. at what age do you plan to have your own ffamily?
- 27.
53. how many computer/laptop do you have at home?
-1 compuer and 1 laptop.
54. do you prefer to be alone or with friends?
- friends.
55. do you plan to go oversea this year?
- yea.
56. if yes where? if no, why?
- malaysia.
57. how do you describe yourself?
- lame, cann be very emo, cann be very hyper.
58. who is at home right now?
-my dad, my mum, both my bros -_-!!
59. what are you eating now?
- nothing.
60. what are you drinking now?
- nothing.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 7:46 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
You Are 47% Vain

You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence.
Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you!
heps..iem not vain..
You Have Willpower of Steel

Your personal motto could be "Where there's a will, there's a way."
If you will something, you make it happen - no matter how difficult it is.
You don't back down from commitments, even when you regret making them.
That being said, you are pretty careful about what you commit to!
o.O icic..
You Are 45% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself
i agree that iem weird =x
You Are 26% Bitchy

You're a pretty sweet person, and you're definitely not prone to bitchy outbursts.
Sometimes, though, you can't help thinking mean thoughts about people. But at least you don't act on them!
You Are 83% Pure

You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore!
There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to.
heps..iem pure..issit(.")??
Your Worry Factor is 75%

The amount you worry is definitely borderline unhealthy.
Even when things are going well, you find yourself fixating on the negatives.
Try to remember the times you've been able to let your worries go.
If you can do that again, you'll be much happier!
i do worry alot =x
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 2:01 PM
You Should Be a Musician

You have a rare combinations of talents: an ear for music, nimble fingers, and the willpower to practice.
You could master almost any instrument you choose to play (if you haven't already!)
i wish i cann go about being a musician..
but i could i dont have any certificate of any instrument!!
and those art school will be 'nono, you don't know anything about music'
but i do know..abit..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:48 PM
Your EQ is 127 |
You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
On an average day, you're quite happy, together, and content. You live your life well. Your emotions aren't always stable, but you can go along with the ups and downs pretty well.
You tend to be motivated, energetic, focused, and level headed. You see the world pretty rationally, and you don't tend to over dramatize things. When things are bad, you know they eventually have to get better. |
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:45 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
came upon this poem and found it inspiring
Take each day as it comes, life is stressful enough.
Do not look back and grieve over the past,
There is nothing much you can do about it.
Do not worry about the future,
For it is yet to come.
As long as it is called today,
Cherish it.Live this day as if it was your last,
and you will find each day worth living for.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:27 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
today first period.. maths.. quite fun.. iem begining to love maths!!
lols.. english, go library.. i brought my BIO along, do till half..
actually almost finish lurhx.. but don't feel like doing just close it!! haha..lols
then taking care of Niki's wallet, handphone and Juliana y's wallet..
i cannt probably walk around with three wallets, and two handphone??
will look siao??lols..
then they come back, i went to the new arrivals,
then took a book taste berry's dunnoe what derhx..
then i went toilet with Niki coz zhi hao pull her hair..
then i ask Niki ut her hair down, she dunwan..then we went to the toilet,
when come out, matthew lim outside, she ask Niki whether she gort call him,
then he say zhi hao say the end is just another of zhi hao's joke..lame..
si matthew lim then keep disturbing me..
say what i woo matthew bak 2yrs then cannot, just like how zhi hao woo jia ling..
it's like so if i still like him..please larhx..
then go in, the librarian go lock the door, stupid her larhx..
i still gort class siol..then the books..
the others who went behind, go throw anyhow, then we also kena..
stupid her sia..then Niki and matthew bak go at the com the counter there..
then Niki go lie on it..then she gort a scare..
me, juliana y, matthew and her laugh like shit lorhx..
then Bio..happen nothing much..copy quite alot..
then recess, chinese..
chinese, after going through some of lian xi san,
we played a game..guessing game..quite lame..
exciting part coming!!
after school, meet veron, niki and juliana at the library outside..
then we decide whether to eat in school..
then decided to eat in school..
then after eating..we walk around for awhile..
then me and yunxin gort an idea of..
taking JY's phone and call justin..
which we did..jy tries to take back the phone..
then i forgot who go pull her..
then she shout..then we like..
tell justin, 'come canteen!! come save her' then we all laugh..
then yunxin go say 'i had kidnapped juliana, come to canteen if you wants to save her, byebye'
then she kup the phone..then when she took back, found a chance to take her phome..
then i go to justin name..then i show her that i call..then she take back..
then say siao arhx..lols..then we went up to see jina..
the salad contest..then we dunnoe say what..
then we all started to walk to NCDCC room..
when we going down that time..
we saw justin..then he say 'where you all sia..i go canteen leh'
then we were like 'what you really go down??'
then laugh..coz me, jy and yunxin put our hands at each other's shoulder..
then then veron, ask us to let go, i tried, but jy cling on me..
then i shook her away, then me and yunxin go put jy to justin..
then someone go push justin to jy..then she ran away..
we continue playing, and ask justin to go chase her..
then she run run..justin didn.t find and Niki scared she angry..
so we began to go find jy..
first place, toilet..then cannt find..we really scared she angry so i called her..
then she listen, she ask me don't take her bag,
which justin took and take at his shoulder..
then i ask justin to put back..coz juliana really sound very weak..
so i ask her where is she..i put back her bag in canteen..
then i and Niki ran to find her at the library there..
then she go at the center stairs there..
then me and veron all find her..
then we stand there for awhile..then saw justin standing just at the other side looking at us..
he shake his head and walk away..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 7:55 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
today feel very weird,
coz for the past two weeks,
i had been staying at school till 6pm..
then today, after school is go home..
very weird siol..
joel ask me go lasalle find out more,
asked kah hui to company me,
but i scared..(.")!
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:53 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008 bombed alot of questions to joel..
hope he won't find me irritating..
asked quite alot about lasalle..
hope that i won't disappoint him
because i might not be going to lasalle..(.")?
i really hope i could go..=x
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:24 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Brenna..[thanks the most] coz she had helped my group the most
Joel..last day of elective module[fashion design]
feelings are kinda mixed..
happy yet sad..
happy coz no need to everyday stay till 6pm in school..
sad coz won't be able to see the instructors..
at first i go there, i have not much interest..
the instructors had inspired me..
i should made their names known..
they are Brenna, Riddy and Joel..
guys, you are great!!
i'll certainly will miss you all!!
only one day..
iem missing them alot..
Brenna, Joel, Riddy..
i miss you guys!!
brenna, i really hope that i can get your contact..
brenna, i really hope that you can allow..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:33 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
meet mavis at her house the bus stop there, then go her house..
she do her pp, then i see how many ppl pass up the ss essay paper..
in the end, still gort 6 ppl haven pass up..
went arab street to get the things for our fashion design clothes..
we wanted buttons, in one shop, no buttons,
in the other, i told brenna that we need buttons,
and she ask the shop uncle whether gort sell buttons,
and know where gort sell buttons..
then the uncle say he nvr sell buttons then at arab street also nvr sell..
then brenna says that she help us buy the buttons at chinatown..we also need belt, then at the shop there we found some chains..but the chain too expensive, coz we only gort $6 budget..then the chain is $12 per 1m..then half metre too brenna say she'll give us one of her belt that she dunwan..then we have to reconstruct it..when all people go together coz at first, we split into 3 groups..brenna ask for our group names..then we was like..opps....then jiaxin say chlt..c for chua-lynn, h for heng-me, l for lim-jiaxin and t for tan-tinqinthen was like, make not much sence..then lynn sudd say we was like okaus..when we tell brenna that our group name, she ask, how to read?? then at bus there, lynn remind me of the rehearsal..then i tell brenna.. she say that we are already behind others..the others at our last rehearsal where we must attend, already done about 5o % ..i was thinking, choir, we had already been scolded by teacher like shit the day before..then our fashion design, we have not even done anything, and if we go for rehearsal,we only have 3hrs to finish..which ofcourse, we don't have the time..then if don't go for rehearsal, art festival will be ruined..i cried on bus..coz really very stress..i still cant get over my relationship, my mood still not very good..then now have to do this type of decision..really stress like shit lorhx..then brenna say that they decided,if we next tuesday we din go for the elective module, we must split group..then when we reach school, we saw ms chan..then jiaxin call her ask her to wait..then she say allow is to go there until 3.30pm or 4pmcoz she has con fident in us..this made me more stress siol..but we still need to tell mdm puah..then mdm puah allow is to go till 4pm..i now just cann pray to god that we cann finish our fashion designand gor choir, we'll have alot of 'feelings' ms chan cann hear.. ❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:18 AM