Sunday, September 28, 2008

me on the way back from salon, look like nothing right??

so weird..

ee, the light..

the nicest, but i look like i sick like that..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 6:16 PM
yesterday went out with sister and others..
enjoy the pics!!

me with um, *shake head* not good..but sister look very good..

*shake head* me not good again..

finally, but me look so weird..

one that i took from sister's phone..


sister, me, crystal..

me again..haha..

went to salon..
cut layer, then did rebonding..
told the auntie, say i don't want to cut short,
only wann layer..
in the end also gort cut..
sad sia, coz quite short..
but bo bian, who ask me wann to rebond..
but the end still quite nice lorhx..
hope people tomorrow won't laugh at me =x
heard the news that my cousin had been born!!
so happy nehx..her name is, Joy Chu Kai Xin..
ah joy, my cousin same name as you worhx..hahas..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:06 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
yesterday, i went with Asther to changi airport to study horz!!
really gort derhx!!
we went to the T3..
we went to the food court there..
then each bought mee..
she gave me almost half of her mee when i finish..
alot sia!! then there if gort receipe,
then you cann buy a coke zero, with one dollar!!
then we stay there for a while,
i did abit maths..
then we go to toilet, then go ntuc go buy things..
then go the view mall study..
then coz from there, cann see the departure hall inside..
then gort one angmoh go ask us how to go in..
then i say is the departure hall..
lol..then stay there till seven plus..
when i at MRT there,
gort one sms, make me irritated,
smsed a few times, then i gort so angry!!
don't say lurhx..say lurhx more angry..
then today compo exam,
chinese was easy, english, think report going fail liaox..siian..
then after school, went to jy house, she change shoes and bag..
then go my house, i change shoe..
then we go 138 there derhx ntuc, i buy chocolate,
then we go 7-eleven, buy drinks..
then we at tution,teacher give paper from bukit view sec derhx..
n(a) level..quite easy..just a few questions abit forget..
then in the end, stayed there from 3.30pm to 6pm..
teacher buy baked potato for me and jy..
mmm,very nice...
next time i eat, i will go there!!
here for now..
might not be posting..EOY coming lurhx!!
bye peepz!! cya!!
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:13 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
blogskin changed,
plain but nice..
changed song too,
thanks sister letting me hear this song..
hope peeps like the song..
sorry no lyricks this time round..
i hope this time round,
this blogskin no one use before..
coz, the last few that i chose..
JY says she use before!!!!!
haha, anyways, use before also nevermind lurhx..
i happy with this blogskin..hehes
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:49 PM
Friday, September 19, 2008
sorry, for the blogskin..
will do it next time..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:37 PM
ordinary week passed..
miss someone as usual..
tution was abit hilarious..
cher buy the twisties, he only eat a little bit,
then me and jy eaten the rest..
just online,
saw veron gave a link to see who had deleted or blocked you,
gort two, i dunnoe is who..
the other one.. sad, why delete me?? criEs..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:38 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What are 3 things you must ALWAYS have with you?
handphone!! earpiece!! erm....
Name one bad point about yourself
Name one good point about yourself
Recall your worst nightmare
erm, er..*thinking very hard*
Your favourite song(s)?
wo feng ni by wu jia hui
A word that best describes your life
Closest friend(s)
hmm..gurl-annabelNG, sereneYEO,mavisTAN,angelLIM,LUMyunxin..guy-samuelNG, LINhongzhi aison..
Disliked People?
Favorite TV show(s)/serial(s)? zai ni zuo you, nai ba bai fen bai..
What are you listening to right now?
my brother game de music..
Favourite movie(s)?
Do you talk alot?
of course!!
Do you think you're smart?
no, of course..
The last thing you said out loud?
'bu ke yi!!' when jason[baby cousin] go run out of the house..
Favourite ice-cream flavour?
Is your phone ever turned off?
when batt flat lorhx, sometimes when i go sleep..
What, where and under what conditions can you sleep in?
any..i think..
Do you trust your friends? If yes, to what extent?
yea of course, like anyone else, tell them secrets!!
Plan to get married?
not thinking that far..
Are you in love now?
no, but crushing..
How many windows are open on your PC now? Name one.
Last movie you watched?
money no enough 2..
Favourite drink?
jasmine green tea..
A phrase you're currently fond of
zhen shi de!
free thinker..
Describe your version of 'Heaven'
a peaceful place..
What would you do to make up to a close friend after you did them wrong?
say 'sorry, dont angry' then give a ke lian face.
What are your opinions to how you should live ur life?
relax, dont be to anxious..
Your style of typing?
always have two dots..
Favourite book
shopaholic series by sophie kinsella..hahas
Would you change your name? If yes, what to?
Gracelyn heng wei lin..hahas..
Why would you donate?
Ever had something happen that you dreamt of in the day(s) before?
yes, and it freaks me out!!
What would your ideal teacher be like?
What does someone have to do to earn your respect?
respect me..
What would you do to earn someones respect?
respect him/her..
If you were sponsored to film a movie, what would it be about & who would be in it ?
Pick one non-relative person to go with you on a holiday
Ideal home. What would be inside it & where would it be located?
erhx..*thinking now*
Ideal job . Describe with great detail.
music performer..sing in choirs.. hehes..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:10 PM
went to malaysia for mooncakee festival..
was very fun!!
reach there at night[friday],
then eat noodles..
then go book place to sleep[lols]
in the end, i sleep with my cousin at the room on the second floor..
the aircon very cold..
after two nights in the room, my flu has become worst!!!!!!
the next day, was woken up by my cousin!!
she go pull my blanky and ask who i am?!
anyways after that wash up..then breakfast..
after that play lorhx..
then take care younger cousins..
went to shop like 2 times that day..
lunch gort curry chicken..
gort alot of potato[mmm, think of it i want to eat yum.]
then at night fun!!
first time get touchy with beer[haha, dunnoe how spell the beer name]
my grandpa say the moon is 60 inches, very funny lorhx..
you know why he say?? coz he drink 6 cans of the beer liaox..
me and my cousin go put bbqed chicken into the aluminium foil and put sambal..
nice worhx..
today morning, me my cousin and her mum go parsar pargi,
at first my grandma wants us to eat brealfast first,
then me and my cousin dont want,
we wann go out eat..then we go out withoud telling grandma,
or she'll scold..hahas..
then we walk there, we go one coffee shop eat lei cha,
it's many types of vege, plus peanut, dried shirmp plus the soup.
very nice..and guess how much, it's $3, that means $1.50 in Sing..
samore, it's very big bowl..
then go walk walk..
go back play awhile,
my cousin was doing something, then i ask my baby cousin jason,
to tell annabel to be faster, then i ask him to say 'ah yan, kuai dian!'
then the other cousin say to me, 'ah ning, kuai dian'
then jaso go say 'ah ning kuai dian'
i tell him, nono, not ah ning, is ah yan,
but he keep saing 'ah ning kuai dian' then 'ah yan kuai dian'
i laugh till peng lorhx..
after that prepare to come back Sing lerhx..
overall, it's very fun!!!! (: (: (:
photos and videos will be publish soon!! ;)
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:05 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008

my presents..(:

me with annabel (:

me with my grandma (:

my grandma with my cap, very cute right?? :D

me with sereneLAOPO (:

my cap, which sereneLAOPO help me pay 33% (:

present from Aison (:

pooh and card that's given by sereneLAOPO (:

present from my kennyDIDI (:

pooh from sereneLAOPO(:
was busy today.
morning go ica,
haha, reach there then find out that forget bring birth cert all those[suay]
then call my bro to bring.
so finish bout 11 plus..
mrt back to tam,
saw someone, scare me though.
ohya, thanks yunxinPRECIOUS, annabel, pearlynn, nafeesah, baoxuan, lynn, niki, julianaTWINNIE, edmund, veron, jialing samuelAHKOR,verrineAHMA and huichun for your birthday wishes. :D
if i miss out anyone, please tell my, i will write it here (:
thanks hongzhiGAN-LAOGONG, aison, sereneLAOPO, Eryi and lenny for the presents.. :D
after ica meet sereneLAOPO, go TM eat, then we go whitesands take neoprints, then we go bugis walk, we walk almost the whole bugis street for the cap that i've bought.
then, i continue tho yishun to find my grandma, while serene went home..
thanks serene, it was very fun :D
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:34 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
called in the morning by julie,
go work lorhx..
so went, 1230
then 2.30 suppose to go for meeting,
in the end 3plus then go for it,
missed the fries part..
then continue...
celebrated sep babies birthday,
in the end only me there!!
i cut cake, then they the sing the birthday song super loud!?
mixed feeling there( paiseh + happy)
then later lucky draw, gotta a keychain..
olympic derhx..very cute..i got nini..
samuel was promoted to FM!!
congrats kor!! (:
went to TM with yunxin at 12, she go mac check shedule,
then julie saw me ask me go work today..
was reluctant, coz lazy arhx..
but in the end,i say okay..
so today will be 12 to 7..
12.30 meet jianing..
then go meet aison at 1..
haha, jianing dont recongnize aison,
nor did aison remember jianing..
was kinda of shocked..
then jianing left at 1.30..
we went walking looking for the birthday present that aison is going to buy for me..
then walk till fourth floor TM,
yunxin walk at the front,
quite a distance,
aison: wann eat?
me: dunwan, no money.
aison: i treat larhx.
yunxin run to us
yunxin:*very happy* really ar?? treat us ar??
then me and aison laugh and laugh..
then aison ask where we wann eat,
then me and yunxin say swensons,
he really agree,
then we say nono..
we joking only..
then aison ask central,
pastamania and pizzahut..
all expensive de,
so we dunwan go..the end, we eat long john silver's
eat finish, yunxin go for dental check up..
she told us when she has food in her mouth,
so me and aison heard mental check up,
and we laugh like dunnoe what..
then me and aison walk very long,
TM and CS both walk from top to bottom many times.
then we go zinc shop, bought a zinc bag..
because yunxin ask for her late birthday present,
aison bought for her too
then when go we go home that time,
aison treat me sweet talk..
two more days to my egg crrack day!!
excited bout that day's schedule!!
gonna have a surprise planned by my sereneLAOPO and astherGIRLFRIEND
so happy!!!
wonder this year, i would have how many presents ;)
say so much, it's time to go prepare for work lurhx..
bye guys..cya soon!!
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:48 AM