Tuesday, October 28, 2008
sorry bout the link,
something is wrong,
some of the links are not visible,
will manage it soon.
Labels: The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:59 PM
26th oct..
went to courseway point at woodlands with my family..
bought ahem then go to the top floor archade..
play the catch sweet one..siao right?? go woodlands play that..haha
gotta 2 times jackpot, spent $80 on that..btw not me catch,is my father catch..
after that MRT-ed to katib, meet my cousins then go eat dinner..
after dinner, went to seng song.. then annabel call, went to her mother work there..
she came, went to her house till 11plus go home..
27th oct..
work work work..siian..
work from 1pm to 9pm..
but okay larhx, double pay marhx.
first, did baxing, wash cloth and make milo..
then went to dessert kisok, there damn many customer larhx!
many buy mcflurry, i do till siao..
some more, there so stuffy, and warm..
lastly, i was put at kitchen initiator, fun bodoh,
first is with auntie kam yeng,
auntie kam yeng sick lehx!! poor thing,
sick from sunday then gort no doctor..
think she will be going to doctor on tuesday..
when she break, awhile i alone,
then dennis put sammy with me,
we keep changing, initiator, to assembler to initiator like that,
coz sammy want to try assembler, but when have alot of burgers,
he wann change to initiator, funny sia..
once he forget to put 20 pieces nugget, siao sia,
mdm lim go ask for it then we give, lucky nugget gort enough..
till now peepz, takecarres,
Labels: Misfortune shows those who are not really friends
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:39 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
tea apreciation today,
go listen to the talk for onr hour,
at first very sian lorhx..
then niki and jy go toilet..i drew on the booklet
come back, they talk..then sit together coz we suppose to sit in a line..
then i saw so go sit with them, in a line, not vertical, but horizontal..
then niki saw my booklet, then she starts drawing mine..
here come zhi hao, then he drew on his booklet di siao-ing niki,
then they started drawing on zhi hao's booklet then play niki very loud sia..
but nvm, the end is niki and zhi hao play, me and jy play..
then we go the class, so luan larhx, we should go to our own class right?
the end we mix class until like dunnoe what..
we like suppose to be with only n2 girls and n1 girls?
the end, n1, n2 and t1 all mix..weird.
first, we drank tie guan yin, i dont like the taste, i only like the smell,
the tea very siap, next is shui xian, which is slightly bitter, but very nice,
not siap at all, very smooth tea. next the green tea, not nice,gort one
taste, like gort porridge inside like that, pui!
then we go back own class, then slack slack, till recess,
then slack til school end!
went to n1 class, then me niki, juliana and justin walk to MRT,
at escalator, someone called juliana, asked u to wait for yunxin,
then justin go home, wait awhile later, niki also go,
then when me yunxin and juliana reached the platform,
we saw niki, so mrt-ed with niki, then niki's mum is already waiting for her,
she ran..jy went to eat at mac, then me and yunxin never buy but gort eat abit of jy's..
i ate most of jy's fries.. :S
then yuxin say wann go sweet talk, but she wann go MRT that side de,
me and jy pull yx to CS that side de, coz we walk that side more near! haha
We parted at the cetre of TM and CS. yunxin walk to inter, me and jy walk to school busstop..
rock climbing, till today[24th] i still have the fear of the height when i look down from the rock..
first, me and jy went for the easiest and line up, shahidah, after she climb, she went to pull jy ask her to climb, the jy point to me, say ask me go first, shahidah then pull me, so i went, i stopped many times, looking for rocks to climb, which one's more save to climb, after the first hump, i look up, i only cann see the first rock, could not see the top, i lean back to see, then saw that the hump is so big, i let out a cry of fear, then miss xiao min and some others encourage me to climb up, i pull myself very close to the rock and keep shaking my head, i don't dare to look down, miss xiao min then ask me if i wants to get down, i nod my head, so she ask me to tell the belayer, i sake my head, and i was thinking, " i'm very scared, i don't want to get down nor go up" i'm at the verge of crying..i heard miss xiao min asking the belayer to put me down, they keep asking me to let go of my hands, i keep shaking my head, and slowly climb down, until about the last box, then i let go..i walk back, jy ask me issit scary, i did not answer her, and i keep clenching my hands together, as i'm really scared. i sat down and calm myself down. jy wan up, she went up abit and came down. then jy went to me, by then i'm abit calmed. so i talked to her, then the instructor asked the girls to follow one instructor to go to one side, the higher and easier side until the end, me and jy go up, she went up first the more straighter side, when she go up, she keep saying that she is going to fall then i said you won't, trust him, that's when one girl instructor laughs. and then when jy went up some height. she said, there's no stone here! then the other instructor say you wan stones? jy didn't reply, after awhile, jy shouted, the stone is moving! the instructor says you got bring screwdriver? i laugh. then one girl came down from the more slanting side, then i went up, i go up one side.
me:ahh! there's no stones here!
jy: told you there's some place where there's no stones!
belayer: you want stones? i cann give you.
me: dunwan!
belayer: or you want pebbles?
me: dunwan!
i changed to the other side where there's more stones.then i go up abit, the stones move! i scream at some places where i need to strech more to climb. then i gort once shouted the stone cann move! then he asked what? i shook my head. then jy says the she's shivering, then shouted back i also!when i was at some stones where it too high for my gand to reach and too low for my leg, then i shouted.
me: i cannot reach!
belayer: you cann
me:cannot! too high already!
then he pull me, i went up, for some time, my leg was dangling, stepping on nothing, i was damn scared at those moments! then when i saw that i could climb, i shouted at him, dont pull me, i very scared! and he stopped pulling me like that. Then when i was at the more straighter side, i look then then i was like "what the hell? so high! my god!" i shouted to him can i come down? i very scared! he said, not until you reach the top, then i said please, but he did not allow. so i tried, very scared, when i reach the top, he shouted to me, see! you can do it! wwhen coming down, he keep asking to me lean bck, which i will need to stand on the rock 90 degree,withoud hands, i was so scared that i would fall, so i keep shouting to him tah i dont want to, i asked him once that could i climb down slowky, but he keep asking me to lean back, the end, he allow me to climb down, as he had no option, when i came down, with alot of sweat, he told me that i was the first girl who climb down. i saw that jy was still halfway coming down, niki keep saying that hope juliana is not crying and keep telling me that she don't know how to comfort people. i saw jy's face, and she's not crying, so i tell niki that jy is not crying, then miss xiao min went to jy there, and help her down, she hold jy in a very obsence way which me, niki and atiqahwere like oh my god, then atiqah keep saying eee..then when jy reached the ground, and knell down, like what she did when she cries very badly, i was like " oh my god! she's crying!" then i ran to jy, she keep crying, miss xiao min says give her water, so i took her bottle out for her. then jy keep crying. when she felt better, she stands up, we moved to the shade, she lift up her shirt, we then saw a very big scar. then at bus when jy drop her thing then i found out that my knee was injured too. when reach school, miss xiao min brought jy to general office, then we took antiseptic cream and put, and i found put that my elbow also injured, then i put anticeptic cream on it. after school, we have hairstyling, this time, we all were to stay at canteen, then we went back to 1e1 classroom for hairstyling. we learn to tie plaites[wrong spelling i think] gort straightening of hair and curling. we were asked to bring pins and alot of rubber bands.
take back results!
me was quite happy..except for english and F&N
maths-71 ^^[A2]
combined humanities-72-^^[A2]
total: 419/600[dosen't look very good ):
percentage: 69.8[aiyo, very bad lehx!]
L1B2 aggregate: 6
Promotion Status: Promoted to S4 NORMAL[A]
conduct:very goodlooking at Promoted to S4 NORMAL[A], i feel so weird, sec 2 and 3 passes so fast, i feel as though the day before yesterday was sec 2 and yesterday was sec3!! I still feel 14 when i'm already reaching 16?! so weird!!
idiot! we were going to get our year book only next year! 12008 book and we only gets it on 2009?!!!!!!
Labels: The shifts of Fortune test the reliability of friends
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:07 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
hmm, okay shall post from sunday.
went out with pearlynn and family, me and my family..
went to SIA sports hall, if i'm not wrong, it's the correct name =x
then go gym first, i went to a machine, don't know what is that called,
it's the same machine as pearlynn was doing, thirty minutes up there is very tiring!! i must say,
my heart rate, the highest was 210!!
never knew it would be that high, close to a rabbit's heart rate!!
after that went swimming, there is a jacuzzi there!
and there's a playground too!!p.s, haha, the slide very fast lehx!
haha! then after that go pearlynn house, play her com!
play sims which i very long time never play liaox..lols!
then eat bak kut teh for dinner, which her mum cook (: it was nice!
we also have milkshake, which i'm not sure of the content,
i think is like, banana[jet...opps!!], with yoghurt, milk and ice cream?
then until about 9pm then i go home..
at class we watch harry potter and the sorcerers stone, which we used ms kaur and ms xiao min's laptop to see. then we 11.30 go for recess. then ar, juliana so engross to the show sia, me and matthew bak laugh like siao. after recess ms ho lian shi came in, show x-men. hair styling is fun kayes! we learn to wash hair, then also gort learn to perm..i wash yx hair, she wash mine..my group instructor is shun rong if i'm not wrong, and one more lady, shun rong calls her ah shan.
this for now, today's things, will update, hmm, friday..hahas XD
takecares peepz,
Labels: Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:50 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
results taken back!!
not very happy..
especially chinese, 3 more bloddy marks!!
must JIAYOU lurhx next year i dunwan keep repeating o-level chi!!
anyways, after school went to MRT station to train back with tinqin n jy
in station met idris cann say new-found friend? haha..
but then when go in train, kinda of me and jy one side
idris and tinqin one side? then heard their conversation, abit dotdotdot
idris: i know her (pointing towards jy)
tinqin: if course you know her
then when go out, tinqin and idris just walk..
then me and jy hide, see tinqin know not..
the end, she with idris already dunnoe walk to where liaox..
then me and jy go tm, she bought the can you keep a secret by sophie kinsella,
jy tell you, your book very dangerous, coz confirm gort many ppl wann borrow..
which includes me!! haahas..
after that, we went to cs 2nd the toilet( our fav toilet in cs =x)
then found out, all those sofa outside are alll gone..
after going to the toilet, we went to food juntion eat
with her card, i gort 10% discount, which is 40 cents lesser. cool.
then when we walk out, i saw november's teenage, which both of us read.
then we walk very slow reading the magazine.
that will be all for now! (:
bye loves.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:11 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
the world's so unfair!!
why, why i see many others, they have the oppurtunity to learn something that i had always wanted,but no chance. really wished that i was born in some rich family, so that, i could have the oppurtunity to learn, and excell. why do god give me the 'talent' and interest, but, put it so far from me, that i could only see it, but could not reach it. she told me i could learn it when i grow up, but, i don't think it's possible, even if i havee the money, would i have the time? and why do i have to see my friend suffer and i couldn't do anything. i really hope that i can do something to help my friend. i don't want it to be this way, why does my life seem so miserable? me, myself have lots of problems, sometimes, if i say out, i will only harm myself, i really feel like cutting again, but i know i shouldn't, but it's too painful, too awful. no one can help me. There's something i'm happy about, it's that, i finally knows how to shut up, know what to say, what to not say. but i do think that i should shut up more, to help myself, to save myself, and not to offend others. i may seem happy, that's the surface, the inner, is full of misery and pain, i hope that all those laughters that i had with my friends could cover up all my scars that had recovered from the open wounds, which the pains' still there, but it seem impossible.maybe one day, i should really shut myself up, and bottle all the pain and let myself explode. i don't know how to make the scars go away, what to do to make the pain away, and who to turn to. sometimes, i ask myself, why do i seem to envy the people around me but not think positive?
WHEN CAN THE PAIN GO AWAY?when can the pain go away?when can the pain go away?when can the pain go away?when can the pain go away?
takecarres peepz,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:52 PM

EMO photo?? hahas

❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:44 PM
first post since my exams..
eng p1: so damn difficult especially the report!![mr chong scold us for not doing it well!!]
chi p1 : quite easy..but dunnoe cher will give good marks not >.<
english p2 : quite easy[?] but last passage is si mi healthcare one, damn stupid larhx!!
SS : haha, this one sure die!! hahahahahaa!!!!![don't mind me, me siao liaox!!]
chi p2 : almost cannt finish, hopefully, i cann gort more than 65..=x
bio : easy peasy, hope cann get full!![hahahahaha!!!!]
maths p1 : ha! easy, just the ones that i've learnt in the beginning year, dunnoe how do..
chem : maybe, just pass barhx??
geog : lucky lucky LUCKY, that the questions that are asked and i didn't go study, i rmb what cher say!!!
maths p2 : is easy!! all cann do except 3 qns not confident will correct..[damn that john ng, type wrongly, hai me go redo and redo and redo!! the end only left 15mins than come in, tell us gort mistake!!idiot sia!!!!!!!]
eng oral : aiyo, the reading, i too nervous, dunnoe repeat how many times, think reading die liaox, lucky the conver and pic still okay..then i halfway, precious just nice go down stairs, then she go entertain me, almost laugh out..btw, thankyou precious for all the 'JIAYOUs' haha
takecare peepz..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:05 PM