Sunday, November 30, 2008
today went to ole! tampines to see my dear childhood friends pearlynn paulynn's guitar performance with their school, after that went to expo, find the camera, find like, one hour?! but is a digital camera (: i bought a mp4 too :D expo almost bored till siao liaox, lucky matthew reply my sms..then chat all the way..once again, matthew yee, you're a funny guy! hahas!!
tmr going out with huichun, juliana and kahhui! yeah! finally going out on a monday..that's so random..haha! going city hall, wondering where we gonna walk..hahas..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:36 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
1. Name:
- yeong siyah juliana
2. Does he or she have a bf/gf?
- nope
3. Do you know a secret about him/her?
- yarh
4. Is this person older than you?
- yup, a few months
5. Has he/she ever cooked for you?
- er, she cooked in f&n lesson and i tasted?
6. When was the last time you thought of him/her?
- yesterday when she didn't come for choir
7. Do you have a nickname for each other?
- duh! xingxing!!
8. How many times do you talk to this person
-what do you think? of course!
10. Have you seen this person cry?
- yupp.
11. How long have you known this person?
- since sec1
12. Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
- yupp
13. Have you ever had a sleepover with him/her?
- camp counted?
14. If you ever moved away would you miss this person ?
- duh! she's my twin!
15. Have you ever given this person something?
- um hmm..(nodnod)
16. Have you ever done something really stupid with this person?
- yarh, sing different songs tgt, but magically, it always come out nicely matched!
17. Have you ever made something with this person?
- err, hmm......
18. Have you fought before?
- yarh
19. Do you know everything about this person?
- not everything duh!
20. person's shoe size?
- 7
21. Have you ever worn this person's clothes?
- nope.
22. Have you ever heard this person sing?
- yup, we're both from chior and refer to qns 16.
23. Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 days?
- yarh
24.Have you and this person went clubbing?
- nope.
25. Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
- not really.
26. Do you and this person talk a lot?
- yupp!
27. who is his/her crush??
-ah hem
28. Has this person yelled at you?
- yup
29. Has this person always been there?
- ofthen.
30. Do you want to be with him/her forever?
- yes, and be my real twin sister! haha
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 2:24 PM
days in VS pst kinda fast..
nile sine laboure(siyah!)
and ahhem ahhem..
ytd was kinda fun + sian.haha
sop 1s will know..
and very tired!!!!
today gonna be a short short one..
changed blogskins as many many requested.
and added a song..hope all like it!
saw you..
it has been so long,
don't know why i still avoids you..
so long le, i should stand there,
with my posture straight,
and talk to my friends like you are one of the strangers.
anyway, good luck with her.
the song's for you.
takecarres peeps,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:37 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
friday was a tiring but FUN farewell party,
to think of it, quite sad though,
we're not seeing the seniors anymore! :'(
yesterday work work and work..
yunxinPRECIOUS cut hair!
concave bob,no maximum volume..lame!
very cute narhx! though first look kinda weird x:
went home with yunxinPRECIOUS,
as in we leave work tgt..
she pei me to library to return books..
one day late, need to pay 30cents..lols!
later 7.15pm, going meet dear siyahTWIN to JJ lin's showcase,
which starts at 8pm..
haha, going to be a very late one..
and tmr need to wake up at 7!
haha, gonna have sleepy eyes yea? haha!
four days of singing!
die die, haven't write sofage for other parts..
and haven't finish the triangle thing
oh no oh no..
the white horses, i only rmb the first line?
gao shan qing the frist page?
stopping by woods also the first line, coz the rest i dunnoe sop 1 part!
argh!!! so many to learn! damn it!
silver silver!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: living in the a-midst of music XD
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:57 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
quiz by siyah....
1. What have you been doing recently?
- working and choir.
2.Do you ever turn yr cell phone off?
- when i sleep and no batt lor..
3.What happened at 10am today?
- eating breakfast.
4.When did you last cry?
- forgotten.
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
- yea..
6.What do you want in your life now?
- to learn and excel in music.
7.Do you carry a umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- depends.
8.Whats yr favourite thing to have on your bed?
- everything, or else it wont be on my bed.
9.What bottoms are you wearing now?
- shorts.
Whats the nicest thing in your inbox?
- hmm......
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- yea..and real bad.
12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from someone?
- no.
13.What was the last movie you caught?
- journey to the center of the earth.
14.What are you proud of?
- nawthing
15.What does your oldest text msg in your inbox says?
- confidential.
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- gao shan qing.
17.Do you have any nicknames?
- duh!
18.What does your last receive text msg says?
- 'ya' from limjiaxin
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- 11plus
20.Are you currently happy?
- yupp..later gort senior farewell party!! ^^
21.Who gives you the best advice?
- mavis?
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight frm the can?
- nope.
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- no one
24.Is something bugging you now?
- yea.
25.What/who was the last person to make you laugh?
26.Do you wear toe socks?
- no..
27.Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- dad
28.Have you ever had your heart broken?
- um hmm..
29.What annoys you most in a person?
- keep reapeating something non-stop.
30.Do you have a crush on someone?
- ya ba.
31.Have you ever done cocaine?
- nope.
32.What is the colour of yr room?
- cotton pink.9very very light until like white)
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks?
- no!
35.Who was the last person to lie in yr bed?
- me lor
36.Who was the last person to hug you?
- siyah.
37.Did you see the last person you kissed recently?
- ya, my younger brother lor. the 6 year old de.
38.Do you have a life?
- duh! if i don't have i wont be doing this quiz.
39.Have you ever thought someone died,when they didnt?
-i'm not so bad..
40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
- SYF song (friendster)
41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
- for me to know and for you to be dumbfounded.
42.Last time you smiled?
- upon reading siyah's sms.
43.Have you changed this year?
- ya, every teens do right?
44.What are you listening to right now?
- nothing
45.Are you talking to someone while doing this?
- nope
46.Do you walk with your eyes closed or open?
- open, not that tired that i must close my eyes!
47.Is there a quote you live by?
- nope.
48.Do you want someone you can never have?
- yes ba.
49.Have you ever played an instrument?
- recorder, piano and organ.
50.What was the worst idea you’ve had this week?
51.What were you doin last night at 11pm?
- looking through my smses.
52.Are you happy with your love life right now?
- love life? i have non.
53.What song best describes your love life?
- teardrops on my guitar
54.Does the person know you like him/her?
- no.
55.Who always makes you laugh?
- as long as ot is very very funny.
56.Do you speak other languages other than english?
- chinese, abit of kemehr and abit of teowchew.
57.Favourite websites?
- friendster and blogger.
58.Whats your middle name?
- er..i'm not married.
60.What do you think you are like?
- dunnoe.
61.Who will you choose to die with?
- bestie?
62.Where have you been today?
- home
63.What game do you play often?
- Maple, neopets.
64.Who are you missing now?
- my friends
65.If you had to choose between your friend or your lover which will you choose?
- depends
66.What are you doing right now?
- this quiz
67.Which primary school are you from
-Tampines Primary School plus Qiaonan Primary
68.Name 3 colours that you like?
- black red white
69.What emotion do you like to show?
- smily face
70.What is your life to you?
- complicated. duh!
71.If you have something bothering you what will you do?
- depends!
72.Who did you last chat on msn today?
- no one
73.Who do you admire the most?
- erm............
74.Which month were you born in?
- september
75.How are you feeling right now?
- enthu.
76.What is the time now?
- 12.38pm
77.What kind of person do you think of the one who tagged you?
- cutie.
78.What colour did you use to dye your hair?
- i coloured before purple, but cannot see.
79.Why are you doing this test?
- coz i have nothing to do.
80.What do you do when you are moody?
- try to be positive.
81.At which age do you wish to get married?
- er? issn't this to fast?
82.Who is more important to you?
- family and friends.
83.If today was the last day of your life what would you do?
- ask all my close , closer and closest friends together, tell them 'i love you'.
84.Who is the person you trust the most?
- erm..
85.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- i saw before
86.If you had a dream come true what would it be?
- continue to have dreams.
87.What is your goal for this year?
- this year ending le.
89.What feeling do you love the most?
- happy; blessed.
90.Do you think its Global Warming now?
- duh! we all learn it.
91.What feeling do you hate the most?
- hatred; anger; sadness.
92.You like doing quizzes?
- i must be crazy coz the ans is ya!
93.Do you believe in God?
- ermm........
94.Who cares for you the most?
- family and friends.
95.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- to have a goal in life,
96.What will you bring when you fight?
- i don't want fights, and i wont have one.
97.What have you regretted doing your whole life?
- lots and lots of stuffs.
98.What would you do if nobody cared for you?
- care for myself.
99.What would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
- do the same to him..haha, no la, give him a tight slap and break up.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:59 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
ytd was a loooooong day at coral sec..
choral exchange programme..
this time round's SYF set piece is so difficult!!
with so much flats and sharps..
with conductors teaching our part within one hour and so call whole set piece,
12 pages, we cant rmb..
it's sooooo difficult, sop 1s keep getting it wrong..
okay, enough of grumbling..
hmm, lets say the miss lee, conductor of marsiling sec and two more..
she looks, abit like miss lee pei xin cheryl..
especially the side..
her teaching, charactor, and even to made us notice her, is all the same way..
wonder if she's her twin..lols..haha..
hope teacher will not choose for the beauty of the earth for SYF,
i rather sing stopping by woods..
but if it's the case,
i hope miss chan would let me sing alto for that song..
hopefully she would.....
takecarres peeps,
Labels: Despite the high cost of living it remains a popular item
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:59 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
idiotic friendster!
until today still under maintenance!!
from ytd morning!
wanna change song also cannot!
Labels: living in my own world XD
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:04 PM
changed blogskin and chat box,
hope you all like it.
went to raily's chalet rush here and there,
as from 1 to 4 have choir..
committe meeting only ends at 4.45..
it was fun there (:
went out to fetch kahhui,
the end walk one big round,
she say this entrance, we go that entrance..
baoxuan went back to chalet first coz she is wear jialing shoe..
then me, lynn, kahhui and juliana,
don't know for what,
we went for the ferris wheel there,
2 rounds, four of us, 18.50..
it only make me, lynn and juliana feel giddy..
then lynn go eat..
after awhile, juliana went home,
me, lynn, kahhui and baoxuan went back to chalet..
play 2 rounds of poker then go home..
reach home bout 11.30,
bathe all those 12 plus,
smsed raimy happy birthday..
coz before that is advance..lols!
then went to sleep..
takecarres peeps,
Labels: It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:00 PM
quiz from huichun XD
Q1 . The person who tagged you was ?
Ans : huichunn!!
Q2. Your relationship with her was ?
Ans : my fwen
:XQ3. Your fifth impression of her ?
Ans : fifth? you mean first?
Q4. The most memorable thing she did for you ?
Ans : umm, er............dunnoe..
Q5. If she becomes your lover , you would ?
Ans : me not les la!! aiyo!!
Q6. If she becomes your lover , she needs to improve on ?
Ans : say not les liaox
Q7. If she becomes your enemy , you would ?
Ans : cannot be, she will never be my enemy!
Q8. If she becomes your enemy , she needs to improve on ?
Ans : dunnoe.
Q9. If she becomes your enemy , th reason would be ?
Ans : umm, dunnoe.
Q10 : The most desired thing you want for her to be ?
Ans : what are you trying to ask?
Q11 : Your overall impression of her ?
Ans : cutie?
Q12 : How do you think others would think of you ?
Ans : dunnoe
Q13 : The characters you love about yourself ?
Ans : nothing
Q14 : The characters you hate about yourself ?
Ans : nothing
Q15 : The most ideal person you wanna be ?
Ans : musician?
Q16 : For people that care & love you , what would you wanna say to them ?
Ans : awww, i will care and love you too!
Q17 : Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you ...
1. mavis
2. samuel
3. niki
4. hongzhi
.5. lynn
.6. emily
.7. jana
.8. liqing
.9. yinwai
.10. kahhui
( those who are tagged, please go to my links, huichun's blog take quiz coz my blog cannot copy! don't want do also okay de la.)
Q18 : Who is 6 having a relationship with ?
Ans : ah hem.
Q19 : Is number 9 a female or a male ?
Ans : female.
Q20 : If number 7 & 1o are together , would it be good ?
Ans : they are girls and they are not les.
Q21 : What is number 2 studying about ?
Ans: bussiness course.
Q22 : When was the last time you chatted with number 3 ?
Ans : thru friendster counted?
Q23 : What kind of music genre does number 8 like ?
Ans : eh, dunnoe worhx..
Q24 : Does number 1 have siblings ?
Ans : yupp.
Q25 : Would you woo number 3 ?
Ans : if i'm a guy i would.
Q26 : How about number 7 ?
Ans : if i'ma guy ?
Q27 : Is number 4 single ?
Ans : dunnoe lehx.
Q28 : Whats the surname of number 5 ?
Ans : chua
Q29 : What is the hobby of number 1o ?
Ans : basketball
Q30 : Does number 5 & 9 get along ?
Ans : yup i guess.
Q31 : Where is number 2 studying at ?
Ans : temasek poly.
Q32 : Talking something casually about 1 ....
Ans : will make you smile no matter what! [=
Q33 : Have you tried developing feelings for number 8 ?
Ans : no! she girl lehx!
Q34 : Where does number 9 live ?
Ans : melbourne.
Q35 : What colour does number 4 like ?
Ans : er......
Q36 : Are number 1 & 5 best friends ?
Ans : they dosen't know each other.
Q37 : Does number 1 have any pet ?
Ans : nope.
Q38 : Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world ?
Ans : haha, yup XD
Q39 : What is number 10 doing now ?
Ans : er..................dunnoe worhx..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:56 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
ytd went to monsoon academy,
cut my hair,
didn't cut bangs,
but cut slant,
saw the nick that they've always said that he cut very good,
waa, the hair so cool sia, dye grey grey de..
and style until very nice..
john was there too, i think i saw him larhx..
and the other close friend of shunrong,
didn't know his name..
they looking for model for exam, ask us to find,
three person, each find 13, siao la..
ahshan today wear specs, quite cute though she looks chao lao with specs..
the end of story..
takecarres peeps,
Labels: Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:33 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
blogging today for yesterday.
choir started with 4 rounds of jogging around the corridor.
suppose to be only twice,
but we didn't ran together, so another 2 rounds.
sang silent night, shenadoah.
cher let 4 person from sop 1 go to sop 2..
i quickly raise hand, then go sop 2
haha, sop 2 one is much more eaiser to sing..
after choir met yunxin[me call her]
then i wann go eat, yunxin pei me,
then when baoxuan came,
they went off, coz both of them is dont want eat de.
then yunxin pei me take away[once again, i eat until sian de mac]
went home,
at 3.10 went out again, to meet yunxin, baoxuan and lishan at bugis.
reach at 3.53[according to baoxuan]
then go mos burger.
i didn't eat, they ate.
then went to the archade,
play the throw ball one,
all four into one machine,
throw and laugh like crazies..
i threw one ball to the top of the machine..haha!
we only keep shouting, eh, no ball no ball!
coz four people keep throwing, you think the ball come down fast enough?
anway, hope next time she going out will call me also..
it was alot of fun nehx..
anyways, later going do hair at academy again.
takecarres peeps,
i'm sorry,
i don't know that she would be jealous.
i hope the quarrel between you two will stop,
and be happy again.
i hope this will not affect our friendship?
and i won't contact you as much le.
i'm really very very very sorry.Labels: There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:49 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
took from juliana's blog..coz nothing to do lols..
35 Little Secrets:Be honest no matter what!
[ONE] Who was your last text from?
- yunxinPRECIOUS
[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
- CS second floor toilet..haha
[THREE]Your relationship status?
- single
[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
- yarh ):
[FIVE] What is your current mood?
- sad, coz of him.
[SIX] What's your brother's name?
- zhihe, and youngest is kenny[zhipoh]
[SEVEN ] What's your favorite color(s)?
- Black, red, white, lavender and light light blue
[EIGHT] Where do you wish you were right now?
- at beach
[NINE] Have a crazy side?
- yarh duh!
[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?
- yes, almost been thrown to the sea, uncle was playing with me.[when i was, 5?]
[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
- sms (:
[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
- umm, no.
[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like.
- that he had long forgotten me?
[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
- umm, let me think [one millon years later] eh, cann't remember..haha
[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
- not that stupid.
[SIXTEEN]What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
- it depends
[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- baoxuan
[EIGHTEEN] What are your favorite songs?
- eh, so many?
[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?
- doing this quiz
[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?
-siyahTWIN and yunxinPRECIOUS :DDDDD
[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
- this fashion
[TWENTY-TWO] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
- nope..
[TWENTY-THREE] What is your lucky number?
- eh...................................................................................
[TWENTY-FOUR] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
- [random order]yunxinPRECIOUS, siyahTWIN,angelSISTER,mavisMUMMY,samuelKOR, jianingGIRLFRIEND,sereneLAOPO,astherGIRLFRIEND.
[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word?
- complicated.
[TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
- nope[ ask me in 10 years time, and i might can answer]
[TWENTY-SEVEN] Who are you thinking of right now?
- the one who had long forgotten me?
[TWENTY- EIGHT] What should you be doing right now?
- sleeping? lols nothing
[TWENTY-NINE]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
- to not like anyone for the next 2 years.
[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
- my brother's game sound.
[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
- siyah. when we say goodbye.
[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
- yelled? hmm.....
[THIRTY- THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like?
- nope, i act myself. (:
[THIRTY- FOUR] What is your natural hair color?
- black/brown/white.
[THIRTY-FIVE]Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- yunxinPRECIOUS + shunrong
Labels: My heart is not made to be broken :'(
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:49 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
today morning wake up at 8.25[?]
went to meet siyah then go tution..
after that go sakura treat from Dr. Ong..
haha, ate i think quite alot?
first is took western food,
then japanese food..
then went to toilet with siyah..
with calls from yunxin..
then ate desserts..
then me and siyah both go out tgt..
suppose to meet yunxin and baoxuan at 1.15,
the end late[sorry uhs!]
went to cheers to buy water[voda voda]
it taste weird..not gonna buy it anymore!!
then went to mrt station head to chinatown..
30plus mins to outrum park then one station to chinatown..
on the way there yunxin gort a call from ahshan,
say our teacher wait for us very long le..
then when going there we kinda rush[?]
when almost reach there,
had a turn, saw shunrong waiting outside,
arms at the side, when we get nearer, he went in,
look kinda fierce..ohhhhh~[lols!]
get in, only hear the betty bossing around[ladyboss marhx!!]
shunrong kena scold twice in a row..
then after i wash my hair,
and put the treatment cream,
he pull the machine that he call steamer,
water splash everywhere,
poor amanda kena splash..
didn't feel much at first,
then the steamer on my head..
hot sehx,
then hear like water bubbling,
then the side start to leak water like water tap,
i scream very loud 'shunrong..
then yunxin was like,
who call shunrong so loud,
then she saw the water,
shunrong came and stop the machine,
he say in chinese that he scared the water splash onto me,
then i move out on my own..
he say okay, good..
then he put me into another machine..
shunrong take a cloth, and wipe..
the machine and the floor..
then betty go take something out from the steamer,
hot water splash everywhere,
including on betty[i think]
then the machine was used on yunxin..
but nothing happen le, just that she complain that it's hot..
ah shan leave and go novena de store i think..
after my one okay,
shunrong help me wash,then cut abit,
when cutting:
shunrong: are you scared? i'm just triming.
me: scared of what?
shunrong: don't know.
very weird issin't it?
weird shunrong..
then when blowing my hair, he poke into my eye, pain sia!!
then one guy call john help yunxin do her hair,
then shunrong go smoke..
he ask me and baoxuan go out,
then ask, if can leave yunxin alone then we go out can?
then we were like, ermm, dunnoe..
he ask us go ask yunxin..
then go ask, yunxin say no..
then shunrong go talk to her,
then yunxin say.
yunxin: no, yuo smoke issit? very smelly lehx..
shunrong:smelly mehx? xiang yen suppose to be xiang one ma
me: but jiu shi smelly.
after that, me, baoxuan, shunrong and one other guy,
either called bernard or leonard..go together..
we walk very long,
to one store call swanstons
bought 2 conditioners..
total $20.60
quite okay..then go back monsoon academy..
half-way walking, shunrong ask me keep the conditioner in my bag..
i was like..orhx okay..
while walking back, he tell me how to use it..
then at the academy,
shunrong: you know how to use it right?
me: huh? what thing?
shunrong look at me with the *the thing you just bought* face
me: orhx..okay..sorry ar, me blur blur one..
then the john, very funny sia,
make yunxin hair awhile, look at his watch,
make yunxin hair awhile , look at his watch..
he hold scissors very cool siol..
cant explain, go there see then know..
then john quite slow,
shunrong go say he cut slower,
yunxin ask shunrong to say john,
but shunrong say he my shi xiong, i cannot say him..
then shunrong say john cut slow but very nice,
remembering that shunrong cut very fast then finish,
i ask,
so you mean you cut is not good de?
he go say, beat around the bush, yes.
i go wa lao..
he say nevermind de la,
only trim..
then okay lorhx..
john have to go, so the rest for blowing it straigth,
shunrong help yunxin do..
then finish we go..
next time i going there i wann cut,
wonder cann an xin with shunrong cutting my hair ma..
[if he doing my hair]
takecarres peeps,
Labels: There is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists or simulate it where it does not.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:46 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
i am falling very deep..
falling and falling non stop,
stopped at one level before,
but the news of you had long forgotten me
had left me falling deeper,
covered those scars,
but the hurt?
maybe i should heed those advices,
to forget you and move on?
should i?
till now peepz, be happy, don't be like me..
Labels: Where there is love there is pain
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 2:27 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
me and siyah
siyah deleted the rest of the photos! )':

photos that ah shan sent..

this one look anorexic right?? :x
hairstyle for last day hairstyling
shunrong say hair done by gary cost
$100plus to $200!
thanks gary for the hairstyle! (:
sorry for the cam-whoring..
Labels: Life is an art of drawing without an eraser
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 10:02 PM
my blog going dead lurhx.. today..hahas..
quite a hilarious day,
first, choir..shenadoah again,
and silent night, yes, silent night,
sing until like ghost[ coz sop 1 very high]
but keep cannt get the note right ): aiyo!!
went to hairstyling only at about almost 3.
reached, saw veron's hair being made by gary.
mohok! haha, but very cool..
we went out of the class,
walk walk walk, then went back..
shunrong then ask me to sit down, he style my hair..
but he stare at my hair so long,
didn't even touch abit..
then he ask baoxuan,
to think of a hairstyle for me..
slowly more ppl come in,
that includes, ah shan, richard and one more hairstylist whom i dont know.
after that, gary came in,
shunrong ask him help, then he came to me,
started with my hair..
jina and jy said something,
i stared at them..
stare stare stare while siyah said that they were not talking to me..
and really really really by her..
then they started to laugh at me call me pineapple and porcupine..
gary then said, more like coconut tree..
woah, i totally sian diao lorhx!!
then jina said the eyes are coconut -_-!!
finished my hair..
talk talk and talk with ah shan while siyah's hair was done,
by shun rong, richard..
i sent ah shan my photo coz she wann..
and ah shan sent me her photo,
very sweet, but,
look aneroxic :x
then when finish, yunxin help jina put her cake out,
then we put candles,
pulled gary to sing[haha] coz he said he will..
then sang b'day song..
cut two piece,
almost half the cake for ah shan and the rest..
then i took a piece,
because, it's very big, i share with siyah..
then ate till the alot of cream part,
they said they want a birtday bash,
yunxin started to put cake on jina,
i wanted to put onto her, but missed,
and the cake go all the way on the floor..
lucky ah shan left the whole stack of mac napkins
[they took alot, the mac lobby crew gonna refill soon]
coz the napkins like four inches so tall, that's alot..
then i pick up the cake on the floor,
jina ran to the toilet..
jy went to give jina her maths thing..
i follow, then jy scream,
she say yunxin put cream on her..
then yunxin came to me,
want to put cream..
i scream at the top of my voice,
[nowadays i keep screaming, die!]
i ran out, knock onto veron[sorry veron]
i wanted to ask if ah shan and shun rong were going to be at monsoon on friday,
i went there first, halfway smsing siyah i going out first,
she called..
then i walk out,
i haven't open my mouth,
shun rong start liaox..
he ask if i friday go there at 1,
then i huh,
then he say cannot ar?
i say, no, i meeting yx at 2 then go, so will reach at bout 3..
then he say okay...
i go ask[stupidly] whether he will be at there..he nod
i ask ah shan and she nod also..
then they say bye to me..
then i say i waiting for someone..
i saw the cake uneaten[one left]
i say eat lehx,[shunrong smiled]
or later jina come out, you throw at her face :x
then shun rong hand sign me to do that..
then siyah came out..we walked,
i remembered one question..
so i went back to shun rong,
question and answer....
question and answer....
[i keep coughing]
question and answer....
then the most hilarious part!!!!!
i coughed and moved back
shunrong threw the cigg into the drain..
siyah then wisphered to me that shunrong litter bug..
i smiled and look at shun rong coz siyah waiting for his ans
i saw that he flipped his shirt up..
he said' you two saying my boxer show right?'
i laugh my head off..
siyah did too..
shunrong then looked at us with a 'huh' expression..
when i cann talk
i tell shun rong,
她讲你是litter bug,不是你的boxers又show
[she say you're a litter bug, not your boxers show again]
then richard laugh..
shunrong said in a stern voice '不要笑' [don't laugh]
then i laugh more coz he also sound very paiseh..
i look up, his face very paiseh,
we laugh like shit..[now i write also laughing very hard!]
pictures the next post..
takecarres peepz,
p.s i wash shampoo 2 times then felt that the hair spray gone!!
hairstyling was very very fun!!
will miss hairstyling alot alot alot..lols
especially ah shan..she sooooo cute..
i admits, hairstyling is much more fun then fashion design!!
will miss the instructors lots!!
Labels: To affect the quality of the day that is the highest of arts
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:54 PM
yesterday, went to tution, met siyah first, then go in.
gave tution teacher our maths EOY paper to see.
he asked, why so good?? both get A?
am was like, why can't we get A, and you promised us something, but didn't ask though.
siyah told me to ask teacher about the promised buffet.
am kinda scared, so siyah said, you promise us something hor.
it was then teacher said, oh, so you remembered.
then he asked where we want it.[or something like that]
after awhile, he said next week friday, coz will be having tution on 10 - 12.
he will bring me and siyah to sakura eat.
he then gave us maths sec 4 normal[A] paper do.
gort trapizium[ha, forget how spell] and cylinder.
me forgotten everything. haha. and also have mode all those.
then asked bout trapizium[?] and cylinder, didn't bother to ask bout mode.
after tution, went to KFC and eat, siyah ate a 2 piece meal,
me ate student meal; zinger.
finished, bused 18 to inter, went to bedok library.
we play the machine like so ling, keep pressing.haha
when leaving, me saw someone familar in the cafe of the library,
a girl, like one instructor from hairstyling,
siyah then keep aye-ing then i turn,
am thinking 'woah, many of the instructor there sia!'
then Shunrong expression made left me and siyah laugh like some insane.
went to either 7-11 or cheers[forgotten] siyah bought pomogranate tea[as usual..]
walked back to school, when reached, saw the instructors all had already reached school..
were like, O.M.G, they ghost or what,
when we walking back, they were still sitting there,
then when we reached school, they had already reached.
washed hair, when came back from the toilet,
was shocked to see quite a number of people in the room,
which is not my hairstlying classmate[?]
siyah was made to be the model,
then baoxuan tied my hair, yunxin go spray hair spray.
then jina tie nabilah hair halfway, me go help, tied two small plaites, at the bottom.
then nabilah don't like her upper hair coz it's poking out, then jina tied it into two small balls[?]
like xiao long nu, so can you imagine? it look funny, then she went to the toilet to see,
she don't like it, so changed a hairstyle, forgotten is what.
after finish, is only 4, so need to wait till 4.30 then can go.
talked to shunrong. very disgusting!
saying what hairstylist are all not guy not girl.
he even say he don't know he guy or girl!
we all gave him face, then he ask Ahshan, she girl or guy,
she answers, half guy, half girl. all were like ahh?!
actually, it all started when veron starts to imitate shunrong's sitting style,
which is damn funny.
lynn wants to go, so asked jina to take back her thing.
then jina dont want coz she no bag, lynn tell me
huining, borrow your bag ar,
then Ahshan said, pad only ma,
am was '!'
then heard that Shunrong started talking about pad and tamponds[should be spell like this]
okay, sounds like he really dunnoe he girl or guy coz he don't seem paiseh?!
i forgotten what he said, it disgust me alot, and jina moved closer to baoxuan,
i moved closer to jina, Ahshan sait you all dont need to be like that.
still have alot bout hairstyling, but lazy to write..
then i went to my brother K2 graduation.
sit there then see them take the scroll, first performance, by K1s
the L.O.V.E song then shawn tok sang i.n.g
when he was at the side, i went to took photo from afar of course,
and he saw, was so paiseh! but he pose, and let me andthe lady beside me take photo,
there was a ten minutes break, took photo with shawn tok, which my mum asked me to..
and my mum, the second time, she took very long, me said sorry to shawn tok coz me freeze till very tired, he confirm also, then he say it's okay. took 2 photos.
then irna i'zzatie smsed me say saw me took photo with shawn tok, i turn behind, is her liao,
zhihao also there! he sms me, gave me alot of '-_-'
siian lorhx!
then continue..
my bro cute sia! haha!
takecares peepz,
Labels: love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes just be an illusion
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:23 AM