Friday, January 30, 2009
whew, finally breathing..
been so busy with school work and choir [roll eye]
was angry, am angry with the amends that choir had made and what the teachers had said..
well, not to spoil my mood now, shall not eleborate..
upcoming things
-mon [2nd feb]
choir test, either stopping by woods or the white horses.
-fri [5th feb]
F&N test, on FATS!
-sat [14 feb]
mass run choral exchange [roll eye]
hmm..think this will all be what i'll update today..
haha, thanks kahhui for 'chui' -ing me to blog
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:29 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009

bye mikel! i will miss you de nehx...
haiis, all the good managers all gone le..
except, geok mui still here in mac..
now mac, so many ppl quit le,
i won't hasitate to quit either..
reason 1- exams, upcoming Infocus, and Chi O-levels!!
reason 2-all those study stuff will make me stress,
mac will also make me stress, like that there'll be no doubt i get depression..
reason 3-i have other job offered to me, higher pay, lesser stress. who don't want?
reason 4-may people had quit, many people coming in, adding to the stress..
next sunday will be having my food hygiene practical and theory exam! like WTH..i don't want to take ar!!
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:44 PM
hmm, let me see, where should i start???
how bout the outing with jody, matt, stan and their friends.
went to E!hub.. meet at 7.15 supposely..
but reached at 7.20 like that,
matt and stan haven't reach.. so me and jody wait at the outside for them..
shortly, they came..
went to the buy tickets area, btw, we watched Ip man..
until now, i'm still wondering, how his name ye wen become Ip man..hmm....
after that, i'm damn cold.. shocked matt by putting my hand on his arm..haha..
went to burger king, bought milo..felt better :)
after all that fun,
school starts in 2 days!!
first day, pondering which teacher will be my form teacher this year..
hopefully a very good teacher..
and, mdm loh ming woon [hopefully correct spelling] walked up to my class,
holding the attendance book...
so siyah asked, is her our form teacher and she nodded..
next day,
early in the morning, heard from my mother that my grandma passed away..
went to m'sia for the next three days for the funeral..
gotta quite a number of mosqito bites!!
actually for the third day, we should walk all the way to the hill top,
but half-way, as my uncles are all old, they can't walk that far,
everyone was longbang up.
came back sing the next day..
then school..!!!
hopefully, this year's sec ones,
there would be more people coming to choir,
hopefully guys?
kinda worried, now, half the choir is made of sec 4s!
takecarres peeps..
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 12:06 PM