Saturday, March 28, 2009
i changed my time to 8+ pm in New Delhi.
Then i play Hotel 626 with my bros..
Was scared by the first ghost.
The girl who live in darkness.. it's so fun hahas..
but i just can't get through at the code part!
I just don't understand!!
The photo in facebook that i laugh is when i played the second
coz i joked about the second last shot that we shot her butt! hahas..
Miss Lee had not replied my last email to her..
very long since i emailed her..
Was thinking of sending her birthday card in Europe..
you may think that i'm carzy thinking of that now,
coz her birthday is on 1st august..hahas
any idea people that when should i sent the card?
or any idea that how long does the post take to Europe?
23 days more to SYF!!! [not including that day]
jiayou people!
thanks ivy , yiling and nafeesah for giving us the support!
they came in last thusday when choir practice end to give us some sweets and a card.
thanks people <3!
Verrine might be coming to support us in SYF! *GRINs*
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:38 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
today jiejie say we got test stopping by woods lucky don't have..
regina is a mice that is called miaomiao!
coz she squeak and she miaos hahahas!!
tmr got eng test!
and i haven't study the format!!
lalala i go play pet society le..bye!
signing off,
i wonder if you really treat us as your friends.
yeah, you said we are your friends,
but i don't feel the trust from you.
if you really trust us,
why don't you just say?
you decline it,
but it's so damn obvious.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:18 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
went to sakura with juliana y, lynn, veron, matthew bak, jina, jonathan and baoxuan
x3 will rmb that day especially th-
'ahhem' salad!
which i keep hitting lynn about it.
matthew ate the wasabi until cry.. haha.
we laugh until stomachach coz of veron..
she make us laugh..
after choir today went to ikea with lynn, juliana y, sufeng, huichun and brenda.
i ate meatball...
and something that lynn said 'i eat my meatball twice liao'
then we walk ard ikea awhile.
then took 34 home..
watch the legend of brown sugar episode 2, part 1 and 2 hahas..
coz i wann play pet society hahas..
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:31 PM
02. Your name.
03. Your Age.
- 15+
04. Attached / Single?
- single
05. Five of your closest friends
- umm..juliana y. , lynn , jocelyn , reginamiaomiao , angel sister .
06. Your 2 favourite colours.
- baby blue , pink .
07. Storybook / Comic?
- storybooks (:
08. Do you have a crush?
09. Has an unknown person asked you for your number before?
- yeah.
10. If yes, did you give your number to the person who asked?
- nah..
11. Name 2 girl - friends that you are close to.
- juliana y. , lynn .
12. Name 2 guy friends that you are close to.
- matthew bak , aison .
13. Do you play online games?
- yeah .
14. Do you play Maple Story?
- used to .
15. Do you play Audition?
- nah .
16. Favourite numbers?
- 9 .
17.Favourite alphabets?
- h . (:
17. Hotmail url?
- lalalablahblahblah~
18. Would you rather go out with your stead or your friends?
- friends .
19. Do you trust your stead?
- no stead, how to trust ?
20. Money or friends?
- friends . duh~
21. Stead or friends?
- both bah .
22. Anime or drama?
- both .
23. Best girl - friend?
- juliana y. .
24. Best guy friend?
- matthew bak. .
[ ] Gotten detention.
[] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[x] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[] Gotten caught cheating on test.
Total : 1
[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[] Didn't do homework over 5 times.
[] Turned at least 3 projects in late.
[] Missed school cause you feel like it.
[] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total : 0
[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class. (Only if urgent)
[x] Passed notes.
[x] Threw things across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total : 4
[ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm.
[x] Went on Myspace, Facebook etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during school hours.
[x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc. during class
Total : 4
[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[x] Went outside the class without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[what does this mean?] Failed a class.
[x] Ate food during class.
Total : 3?
[] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[x] Stuck up your middle finger at teacher when they were not looking.
[] Cursed curing class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
Total : 2
[] Faked your parents signature.
[x] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework.
Total : 2
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:58 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
quiz by, umm, a number of ppl.. ahahas!
o1.Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
- cheeks..
o2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
- ouhh, so fast? can i wake up 5mins later?
o3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?
- umm, twinnie Siyah x3!
o4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
- yeah, i suppose?
o5. Will you ever donate blood ?
- yes.. i'm a good person! :D
o6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
- yup, who doesn't?
o7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
- nah, i'm not that bad..
o8. What does your last text message say ?
- waa, quite long eh '4pm at Tampines Mrt station outside guardian can?' from lynn. CJL
o9. What are you thinking right now ?
- pet society and Siyah's joke! coz she say she's going to tell me :D
1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
- yeah.
11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
- umm, 11plus..
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
- dunno, this was given to me..
13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
- yeah ..
14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
- lynnCJL
TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz ;
[you're lucky coz you won't have to do, due to my lazinessto tag!]
1♥} mavisTML
2♥} samuelNG
3♥} julianaYSY
5♥} christinaHYP
6♥} justinPZW
7♥} cherylGZG
9♥} nafeesahF
15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?[samuelNG]
- um....idk...
16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?[julianaYSY]
- she's a banana X:
17. If no.7 and no.1o get together , would it be a good thing ?[cherylGZG & aisonG]
- uhs... a very big no. first, they don'teven know each other..
18. What is no.1 studying about ?[mavisTML]
- umm, what a sports polytechnic student will be learning.
19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
2o. Is no.4 single ?[Lhongzhi]
- umm, not sure..
21. Say something about no.2 .[samuelNG]
- Kor ah!
22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?[julianaYSY & justinPZW]
- they don.t know each other! -_-!!
23. Describe no.9 .[nafeesahF]
-my very cute senior!! :D
24. What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight ? [cherylGZG & justinPZW]
- they dontknow each other, how to fight?
25. Do you like 8 ? [matthewBZW]
- yeah, he's the santa which give present, who don't like? lols..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:36 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
hi everyone! (:
lols..i'm now quite bored and dotdotdot due to a request in changing my recipes by my cher!
am now in com lab..
and this com lab de air-con spoil!!
signing off,
can you stop bragging?
i know you are smart, but please.
i don't feel comfortable sometimes having you ard..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 1:06 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
i found myself very weird this few days.
keep getting my dates wrong.
friday i wrote these dates on my work :
19th mar 09
4th mar 09
ytd i wrote :
10th mar 09
and i thought today is 11th mar 09.
gosh. what is happening to me?!
today grandma went to alison's house for the night.
tomorrow uncle is going to fetch her and grandad home in malaysia.
i'm still feeling very green..
i'm also very sad..
finishing adrain mole aged 13 3/4 ..
think will be finishing it tmr or tues.
i feeling so confused.
so fustrated this few days.
for some reasons, i'm sad.
Am i too sensitive?
will be wearing a mask tomorrow withoud anyone knowing?i feel so sad..
you seem to link everyone,
tag everyone except me.
Sometimes you are very cheerful with me,
Sometimes you're not.
Or is the past still a wall between us?
Am i too sensitive?
why am i the only one out of everyone's link list?
went to so many blogs,
it's always without my name.
or, am i really too sensitive?
i guess nobody is reading my post, just coming for the sake of coming?
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:48 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
changed many things in my blog,
which are:
hope that your com wont lag le...
i could not change the photo coz i forgot how to get the code.
sorry guys!
signing off,
i hope that one day,
you could love me like how i love you.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:24 PM
later eating pasta~
lol, i'm crazy le..
i know you will be 'dotdotodotdotdot'
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 11:53 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
today F&N go com lab..
use half-way mdm faridah go downstairs..
then mdm tan came in..
she say i smell sweet..
i must be very hungry to smell the sweet from here.
or the person had sucked it so hard that the smell came out from his nose.
then she say things are quite humorous..
after awhile, mdm faridah came back.
then continue..
what mdm faridah say, she copy..
then sakinah say we got a parrot here..
then mdm tan laugh..
mdm faridah say is not parrot..
then mdm tan say is echo..
mdm faridah then say, a echo that is very good in english..
hahas, then mdm tan go out le..
you have changed alot from last year.
changed to someone that all of us don't know.
don't know what you're saying and stuff,
sometimes, i just felt irritated.
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:55 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
today suddenly 2 suprise test.
so this is what my schedule today is:
p.e, run like siao[@@]
f&n , test.
english, suprise comprehension test.
chinese, suprise 2nd paper test[sec 2 paper {..........}]
maths,test, trigo.
lunch break
geog, worksheet.(JY, Azfar, Niki, Nisa and Atiqah became siao)
eng, i don't know what i do..ah hahas..
did i do something wrong?
why your post like, 冲着我来。
i hope is not... ):
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 7:48 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
hey people!
sorry for the very damn lack of post and stuff..
and the time lag of light months for the links..
and the very slow of my blog....
will change things soon...
when i got time i will change blogskin and change my flash box to others...
will link the people who aask me to link...sorry ahh....
bye people!
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:53 PM