Monday, June 22, 2009
mood swing >>> for no reason....
went choir today..
how i miss the TPSS choir two years back..
with miss lee and mdm puah..
it's like, umm, almost 50?
and now, 20+
i feel so sad and worried..
after SYF,
2 sec 1s quit choir..
i'm worried that this will become a trend..
20+ is not an ideal number.
miss lee promised that she'll come back to TPSS and teach when she finish her studies in europe,
but now,
i guess that will not happen..
if the number continues to drop,
i don't know what will happen..
i should have not cared for this,
as i am ex-chorister of TPSS choir..
but, i just can't put this away..
it's a burden on my shoulders,
and still is..
i should have long thrown this burden away,
but i can't..
maybe i shall go for a 'memory erasing'
to erase this memory..?
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:03 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
new blogskin~~
have to delete most of the things that i put in my old blog due to this skin can't 'absorb' too much..
yeah, and i have all my idol's pics!! ^^
and and, big thanks to huichun ^^
she made this skin for me..
deleted the song as well ):
so there will not be any songs any more...
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:30 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
from pearlynn >>> this is going to be tough ><
10 facts that you didn't already know about me:1) I like to tie my hair in every style, of course not going out with it.
2)I like to watch horror movies, but i'll end up hiding behind the pillow.
3) I seldom sleep later than 12 mid-night unless there's something nice to watch..
4) I had used to wanted to try cigg, but didn't.
5) I like Wangzi with his glasses though he look better without..
6) I had always wished to be born white..
7) I always hated my thick hair.
8) I wish to visit the children in the orphanage in Siem Reap, Cambodia. AGAIN :D
9) I wants to get hair extension [i know this and no. 7 put tgt very weird]
10) I don't eat breakfast.. [well, i really dunno]
Tag 5 people
please go to pearlynn's blog to get it, thankyou very much ^^
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 4:56 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
my mind is swirling..
should i go?
should i even help?
if i don't go, the guilt will climb over me..
i should not talk to you about it in the first place..
they way you tell me,
just make me feel more guilty if i don't help..
Labels: still deciding
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:38 PM
Name A friend from A-Z
A: Annabel -B: Brenda- C: Charlene- D: Dennis- E:Edmund- F: Fatin- G:Gwen- H: Huichun- I: Iffah- J: Jacinta- K: Kahhui- L: Lynn- M: Matthew- N: Nadia- O: NIL- P: Pearlynn- Q: NIL- R: Raimy- S: SamS- T: Theophilus- U: - V: Veron- W: Wanting- X: Xinyee- Y: Yanyen- Z: Zhihao
1. Can R and S be together in BGR ? [Raimy,Sam]
2. How is L related to you ? [Lynn]
3. Does Y know Z ? [yanyen, zhihao]
4. If C betrays you, will you kill him/her ? [charlene]
hmm, we are not that close to betray each other
5. If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do ? [kahhui]
we are different
6. If B tells you that he have a crush on you , what will you do ? [Brenda]
it'll never happen
7. Will/did you and M get into a fight ? [matthew]
fight? no.
8. Who does K have a crush on? [kahhui]
9. If L calls you a bitch , what will you do ? [Lynn]
she'll never do that
10. Whats the relationship between you and E ? [edmund]
11. Who does Z like ? [zhihao]
12. Who is J's best friend ? [Jacinta]
13. What colour does Y like ? [yanyen]
14. Where does F live ? [fatin]
15. . Did you and C have a fight before ? [Charlene]
umm, no
16. Who is H's best friend? [huichun]
17. What can u say about T ? [theophilus]
umm, he's kind
18. If D tells u he/she has a crush on you ? [dennis]
umm, not possible
19. How long have u know Y & do you like her/him ? [yanyen]
since i'm born, she's me cousin, i love her!
20. Tag 10 people to do this quiz :
1. nil
2. nil
4. nil
5. nil
6. nil
7. nil
8. nil
9. nil
10. nil
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 5:18 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
today first time with Mr Sharil [think i spell wrong, i don't know how to spell]
he make the class laugh,
i laugh until my cheeks hurt.
after that went for break..
for english,
it was quite boring,
slept for i think 5 mins as we're in the library, it was so cooling..
after infocus, went to tampines to meet aison and justin.
As i was early, i sms-ed aison, and he say he's on the way..
i told him that i'm at the arcade,
and he told me he is on the way.
after awhile, he called me and assuming he can't find me,
i walk outside and told him i'm at the outside of arcade,
near 77th street.
i waited for quite long before deciding to call him.
and there he says he is outside isetan.
so i walked to the barrier to see,
and there he is standing there.
was thinking, 'is he coming up?'
after awhile, he still stand there,
so i sms-ed him that i go down..
we went t1 and walk around while waiting for justin.
when justin come,
we spent about almost 45 mins deciding what to eat and walk everywhere..
at last decided to eat pizzahut.
we ate the same,
oriental something. hahas
and it's something chicken..
it's a student meal.
they ordered 3 side dishes,
one star munches and two umm... idk what it's called.
when we called for the top-up for pepsi,
the lady poured for aison and justin and ignored my cup.
aison then laughed at me..
after eating,
we have no plan so we go for movie..
we watched night at the musum 2..
as it is only 3 and the movie starts at 4,
we went to centry square de arcade,
but i cannot go in coz i was in CCA shirt with 'TPSS' in front..
after that, we went to find mardiah,
justin walk damn fast..
i was thinking why he go so fast.
and upon reached mardiah, i know why,
he wanted sweet..
we went mac for awhile to past the time..
took out my papers,
and aison taught me some math question.
the movie was so funny especially when the cupids sang the fast love song,
so funny..
watching half-way i got a phone call from home asking me when going home,
so i said i go home at 6..
after movie,
i went home..
spending the day with aison and justin is just so funny..
they are simply funny,
disiao-ing each other..
have fun going australia for your 3 weeks project..^^
signing off,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 9:09 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
1.Real name : huining
2.Nickname : twin! [by siyah]
3.Star sign : virgo
4.Male or female : female
5.Primary school : tampines + qiaonan
6.Secondary school : tampines
7.JC/POLY : -nil-
8.Hair color : back, real black
9.Long or short :hair -- long
10.Loud or Quiet : a bit of both
11.Sweats or Jeans : hmm...
12.Phone or camera : camera + phone XD
13.Health freak : in the middle
14.Drink or smoke : drink
15.Do you have a crush on someone : -nil-
16.Eat or drink : hmm..both? XP
17.Piercings : 4..wanting to get the 5th XD
18.Tattoos : -nil-
Have you ever :
19.Been in an airplane : yeah
20.Been in a relationship: Yeah
21.Been in a car accident : almost
22.Been in a fist fight : nope
23.First piercing : primary 5
24.First best friend : pearlynn yong hoi lin!
25.First award :hmm.......
26.First Crush : um......primary sch fwen.. XD
27.First Vacation : malaysia truly asia~
Lasts :
28.Last person you talked to : my dad
29.Last person you texted to : lynn
30.Last person(s) you watched a movie with: siyah
32.Last food you ate : porridge
33.Last movie you watched : ramen gril
34.Last song you listened to : 123 木头人
35.Last thing you bought : mash potato and little miss capsule
36.Last person you hugged :Miss Kaur
37.Food : hmm...practically everything XD
38.Drinks : green tea!
39.Clothing : depends
40.Books : hmm.....alot
41.Song : 123 木头人and 慢半拍
42.Flower : hmm....
43.Colors : baby blue &pink
44.Movies : hmm...
45.Phrase: errr...
46.Subjects: bio, geog
You ever done before:
47.Kissed in the snow : no snow in singapore
48.Celebrated Halloween : no halloween in singapore
49.Had your heart broken : hmm...guess so..
50.Went over the minutes on your cell phone : yeah, when i'm real bored
51.Someone questioned your sexual orientation : nope
52.Came out of the closest : ?
53.Gotten pregnant : nope
54.Had an abortion :nope
55.Done something you've regretted : yeah
56.Broke a promise : think so bah
57.Hid a secret : yeah
58.Pretended to be happy : yeah
59.Met someone who changed your life : yeah, he changed my view on sciences
60.Pretended to be sick : nah, i'm not so bad
61.Left the country : yeah
62.Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : pizza that has real lots of onions on it
63.Cried over some silliest thing : yeah
64.Ran a mile : how far is that?
65.Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : umm.....
66.Stay single the whole year : yeah
67.Eating : -nil-
68.Drinking :-mil-
69.I'm about ton : nope
70.Listening to : fan turning
71.Plans for tomorrow : school then meet aison daddy and justin
72.Waiting for : time to past
73.Want kids : hmm...
74.Want to get married : yeah..
75.Careers in mind : something music or something with animals (:
76.Which is better , Girl / Boy : er...
77.Lips or eyes : eyes
78.Shorter or taller : taller
79.Romantic or spontaneous : a bit of both
80.Nice stomach or nice arms :umm...
81.Sensitive or loud : a bit of both but more to sensitive
82.Hook-up or relationship :relationship
83.Trouble-maker or hesistant : a bit of hesistant
Have you ever:
84.Lost glasses/ contacts : nope
85.Ran away from home : nope
86.Hold a gun or knife for self defense :nope
87.Killed somebody : nope
88.Broken someone's heart : guess so
89.Been arrested :nope
90.Cried when someone died : yeah
Do you believe in:
91.Yourself : yeah?
92.Miracles: yeah!
193.Love at first sight : depends on person
94.Heaven : somewhat
95.Santa Claus : there's one in front of me in class everyday. .LOL!
96.Sex on the first date : eee, no
97.Kiss on the first date : eee, no
98.Is there one person you want to be with right now : yeah
99.Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : somewhat
100.This is the 100th & last question : errr?
Now tag 10 people to do this
my blog can't copy..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:53 PM
Friday, June 5, 2009
miao miao,
good luck for you in band,
during arts fest,
we'll see you playing in band i guess,
all the best there.
thankyou for your commitment in choir,
i guess you really love choir,
if not you would already quit.
exactly 3 month to my birthday!
found out it when talking to jy today..
still very down today,
but gradually cheered up a bit by Dr Ong and jy..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 8:44 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009

F&N N水准,
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 6:57 PM

that day bought the little miss the capsule,
got little miss shy and mr small,
today, i got mr small [again!]
and mr greedy..LOL
miss kaur is leaving for australia[if i'm not wrong]
to study, i'm going to miss her,
her style of teaching and her handwriting [LOL]
miss kaur, 一路顺风!
today i'm very sleepy..
in english i almost fell asleep,
luckly didn't.
i can't pay attention well,
but still, i did my work!
geography, miss kaur wanted to do a recap on river and coast,
but only manage to finish river.
Rahman was so funny to 'teach' us waterfall and ox-bow lake..
he drew the diagrams, for 'less resistance' he put 'less resist' [LOL]
and the laughter came..
ox-bow lake, same he drew the diagram, and wrote 'slip off point' as 'sleep off zone'
where the roar of laughter came..
the next diagram, he draw till it looks pretty much like an alien..
laughter non-stop [i have stomach cramp, but couldn't stop laughing]
next he wrote 'ox-bow lake' as ' ox-bow leg'
that is when miss kaur laugh the loudest..
when the lesson ends, many when to shake miss kaur's hand as a 'goodbye'
nadia, me and juliana y. hug her goodbye..
it was so sad..
and it reminds me of miss lee,
hope miss lee can really make it this august to come back.
my brother, zhihe,
his leg is better with the casing off,
he can now bend his leg a little,
but the metal thing that the doctor inserted in his leg is protruding.
and now, his recovery is very slow,
hope he can catch up with his studies..
I'm sincerely seeking your forgiveness..
please forgive me..
❤ Perché ti amo così ? 3:36 PM